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Same two Mistle thrushes

Same two Mistle thrushes

Hopefully a slightly clearer shot . . .

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its lovely to see Thrushes. We hardly ever see one here. Mind you, we have had a lot more birds in the garden since we evicted the House Sparrows. Its lovely to see some variety of birds at last and not to have to contend with a crowd of screeching sparrows all day long. At last, we actually have bird song!

20 Apr, 2017


Yes, watching the birds is fascinating, and they do have different characteristics. Blackbirds are quite aggressive, and very tame around humans, whereas thrushes seem quite nervous. I love seeing the baby birds, which could be quite soon!

20 Apr, 2017


Can't remember the last time I saw one of these. I do get quite a good variety of different birds, but no Thrushes ?

20 Apr, 2017


No Thrushes here.

20 Apr, 2017


Such a rare sight, but wonderful when you do see them.

21 Apr, 2017


Yes Chris - and they look very healthy, which is surprising while the soil is so dry and hard.

21 Apr, 2017


And then there were three! This morning, our two Mistle thrushes were feeding their baby . . . almost as big as them, amazingly.

22 Apr, 2017

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