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Intermediate Bearded Iris 'Dream Indigo'


By Siris

Intermediate Bearded Iris 'Dream Indigo' (Iris)

Different angles of the same flower, 'Dream Indigo'

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Very nice Iris Siris ...


4 May, 2017


Only just finished inserting this one, you were quick Gg. An 'inner' photo, although the Iris is not new, but not a fast increased.

4 May, 2017


My lot are coming on a treat in the front garden , one of yours in the corner has produced 4 stems and the colour just staring to show in the buds ... Is it called a stem ? with dayliys its called a "scape" (no leaves except some modified leaves called bracts)


4 May, 2017


In a British book I have seen the stem called stem, also flower spike, in an American book, flower stalk, so anything goes?

4 May, 2017


Such a lovely colour . Did you know that the brown Iris use to be used for dyeing cloths or wool.

5 May, 2017


Lovely to see it like this.

5 May, 2017


3pb did you mean Bearded or brown, I knew Beardeds were used in dying, also perfume. (Orris root)

5 May, 2017


Brown Siris they are grown in a medieval garden here in Coventry for that very reason.

5 May, 2017


I have never heard of 'Brown Iris'. There are Beadeds with Brown flowers, are those in Coventry Beardeds, please 3pb?

5 May, 2017


Its flower when I visted the Medieval garden here was flowering Brown it said flag Iris use root to get colour Brown.

5 May, 2017


Thanks 3pb, I understand now. A bearded Iris is often called a Flag Iris, the one in the Medieval Garden, one with brown flowers. Nowadays all sorts of colours have been developed. I have several in tones of brown, but they are not flowering yet.

6 May, 2017


I shall look forward to seeing the rest of your Iris of any colour. I found it interesting you can dye with them.

6 May, 2017


3pb, You might become Irised out! Lol

6 May, 2017


Lol Siris I doubt it.?

7 May, 2017


I think I posted 68 different colours that flowered last year.

9 May, 2017


Wow I missed them .

9 May, 2017


I have been dead heading some of the Iris after the rain, the blue and purple ones have stained my fingers, really should wear gloves.

15 May, 2017


Yes you should or get some Sworfega.

15 May, 2017



21 May, 2017

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