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Eggplants Fruit - (Solanum melongena 'Ichiban')

Eggplants Fruit - (Solanum melongena 'Ichiban') (Eggplants Fruit - (Solanum melongena 'Ichiban'))

My eggplant is producing quite a bit of fruit for a two plus year old plant. This will be the third season in the ground. Photo taken June 12, 2017

Comments on this photo


It looks great never heard of an eggplant shall have to check that out what the fruit looks like I hope you have a great harvest off it. What do they taste like.

13 Jun, 2017


In Europe they call it aubergine.

14 Jun, 2017


Ahrr yes I know now thank you Andy.

14 Jun, 2017


Yes, I thought you would know it. :>))

I just picked 5 fruits today. There's several small ones on the plant.

14 Jun, 2017


Thats great do you grill them.

14 Jun, 2017


I cook them with other vegetables.

15 Jun, 2017


☺ are they purple ones.

15 Jun, 2017


Yes, they're purple. I pick them when they're only 6" (15cm) long. They taste best!

16 Jun, 2017


That's great the purple aubergine is great for preventing senile dementia the highest is black currents then aubergine Black berries and blue berries they have found.

16 Jun, 2017


Those fruits are very high in anti-oxidants. I think I need to eat more. lol!

16 Jun, 2017


Yes you should will improve your health my mum had a great memory even at 87 when she died she could recite the bible with out looking they had her speaking in the chapel as a child then she preformed on stage in London then she revealed as a child the chapel would take them on outings every week picnics and they would collect and eat loads of Bilberry s which also are purple they look exactly like blue berrys unsure if they are the same but then both my parents are Welsh so the name in Wales might be different to here in England. She never took us to church nor chapel lol her dad was a preacher as well she believed in travel and we always had a car now we all can drive.

16 Jun, 2017


Luv eggplant. Mine survived the winter...but doesnt look like much. Same for the Bell peppers.
Yours could pass for an ornamental Solanum!

20 Jun, 2017


I love this variety of eggplant! It's producing like crazy right now because of the heat.

I've had eggplants live 3 or 4 years...usually after that I dig them out. I may see how long this one will produce well.

20 Jun, 2017


Thats good it is producing so many .
They are quite good then if they last that long yes will be interesting to see how long this one lasts you will have to keep a record how many it produces as well.

20 Jun, 2017


Hated eggplant as a kid. Same for Avocados,Broccoli,Cabbage. Now,its like my tastebuds have become my parents...wink.

20 Jun, 2017



Yes, it's been a good producer this year, so far. There's several on the plant right now for me to pick over the next few days. :>))

I hope to get at least one more year of fruit from this plant!

20 Jun, 2017


lol Stan

20 Jun, 2017


Thats good you have several fingers crossed you get more next year from it. I have never grown these.

20 Jun, 2017



I used to be the same way...many things I didn't eat as a child, I love now! lol!

20 Jun, 2017

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This photo is of species Eggplants Fruit - (Solanum melongena 'Ichiban').

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