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Archontophoenix alexandrae - Alexander Palm Seed

Archontophoenix alexandrae - Alexander Palm Seed (Archontophoenix alexandrae - Alexander Palm)

My Alexander Palm has a lot of seed for the first time. It's because we actually had rain this past winter season. It kept on aborting the inflorescence because of the 6 years long drought. Photo taken July 3, 2017.

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Thats lovely cascading the seeds look like shiny cherry s ☺

4 Jul, 2017


They do look like small cherries. :>))

5 Jul, 2017



5 Jul, 2017


I might fertilize too much. My King/Bangalow still has not flowered,and its twice the bulk of local ones that have.

10 Jul, 2017


That's strange it should flower. I know the ones I planted in Mission San Jose, Fremont in 1994 have been flowering for years. I think I've seen seed on them, also.

I know the king palms at the Oakland Palmetum have been producing seed for decades. I've actually got seed during a clean up day there (years ago). These trees have had seedlings growing under them for many years, also.

11 Jul, 2017


I know. Yet- mine in the back yard can be seen from the street- not a flowering yet. If it had- I was going to plant the seeds along my shady side yard. Maybe a grove. But nada so far.

14 Jul, 2017


Maybe this year it will surprise you.

15 Jul, 2017

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