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Plumeria 'Celadine'

Plumeria 'Celadine' (Plumeria 'Celadine')

Plumerias are commonly planted next to building for its very fragrant flowers. This one is probably 15 ft tall with equal spread. Photo taken in San Diego, CA. on July 15, 2017.

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Gorgeous it is lovely to see the complete plant in flower I can see what you mean now.

17 Jul, 2017


Thanks! It's actually not completely in flower, yet. :>))

17 Jul, 2017


I bet it will look fantastic when it is in full flower then it gives me an idea how they look when they are in bloom.

17 Jul, 2017


Yes, it is fantastic! :>)) Typically, when in full flower, almost all tips have huge flower spikes with several flowers.

18 Jul, 2017


Sounds gorgeous.

18 Jul, 2017


Celadine is a standout. Its got that form..I can see the exact same look in my old potted plant. The one in your photo also has the golden trunk and branches like mine.
You know Andy,even the plant I have that resembles Celadine is a strong grower..after I divided it I wondered if it lost too much roots. I see now,many strong shoots coming out.
Plumeria obtusum? ugh. Almost from scratch. I might over winter it indoors this winter.
I lost all the main branches..down to the trunk and 3 or 4 sprouts.

19 Jul, 2017


Plumeria 'Celadine' is definitely one which would grow well up there. It did for me, anyway.

Plumeria obtusa 'Singapore' is a very different tropical tree. It really doesn't do well up there at all. It must be grown indoor there. It is very susceptible to rot or black tip sooty mold during winter. It even happens some winters here in San Diego. However, most of the time it does well and even flowers during winter here in San Diego (that was my experience).

20 Jul, 2017


Mine when I planted it Andy was much more branched then right now. IF..all had done as planned and it had been established in the drought years..those dry warm winter and long summer would have made it about 1/3 or more the size of that big one.
Now with gophers adding to my roadblocks..its get it as big as I can in a big pot.
PLUS,I have a cutting from a red Plumeria that my in laws sent from rooted and has leaves..doing fine on a sunny hot window sill. I wont put that out this year.

20 Jul, 2017


I wish GOY photos could be enlarged..I would like to see the trunk on that up close.

20 Jul, 2017


This tree is really big. Unfortunately, you can't see the huge circumference of this tree. The trunk is about 10" wide

21 Jul, 2017


How old do you think that is?

21 Jul, 2017


I'm guessing, based upon the size of the trunk, at least 30 years old.

21 Jul, 2017


The people who live in that house would only have to stick the tip of their noses out of a window to smell the scent!

21 Jul, 2017


I planted my Jackfruit seedlings. Maybe by winter they will be gallon can sized plants,but in the ground. Might as well plant them as indoors they are aphid magnets.
I see some in San Diego/L.A. fruiting that are not even large shrubs let alone trees. You just get smaller fruits.

21 Jul, 2017


Jack fruit is a tree that must be grown indoors in the SF Bay Area. I pass by about 10' jack fruit tree when I go to work. I have to get some pics of the tree.

23 Jul, 2017


I also have a Pandanus going. Maybe one day in ground- in a gopher proof cage. I can see it one day replacing a Yucca recurvafolia that is tall for one of them,and never needs watering. Why I keep it. Not bad looking.
My yellow (small fruits) guavas have fruit. The Red Guava for some reason set one very early fruit. I didn't even see the flower. The Pink Guava is looking good- nice crape myrtle like bark and trunk.
Everything just needs to come together...few frosts and regular rains.
I tell you Andy..that Bruce street Mango is a miracle of fast growth. Mine is going into 5 summers in ground. Its tall..9',but hardly a tree to walk under like the tree in Fremont. Plus- that Fremont tree had fruits the size you see in markets.
I have to make my first pilgrimage to Bruce street soon. I looked at the google maps- and one house has a tall Echinopsis terscheckii..8' at least.
The miracle street!

23 Jul, 2017


It's great all your tropicals are thriving! It would be interesting to see if the Pandanus will grow outside there in the SF Bay Area. I know, it's not a hardy plant. They typically love to grow by the beach.

24 Jul, 2017


I've been told by soucal landscaper that small Pandanus are touchy,like no frost,but get hardier as they get size..maybe 28f.
The big thing is- they dont need hot summers. So we got enough warm Im sure. This July has been great. 80f and thats for Hayx. I think I can say 82 or 83 has been my July inland. Compare to the historical 75f.

25 Jul, 2017


Pandanus grows very well in the urban areas of San Diego and close to the coast in Soucal. Other areas of Soucal not sure how well they grow, though.

Those are great temps. It's been warm and muggy here. Highs in the low-to-mid 80's and lows in the upper 60's to low 70's. It's actually pretty typical for this time of year. It could be much hotter, I'm not complaining.

25 Jul, 2017


I got my first open Plumeria flower. Not a record for earliest- but considering I dividing the root system this summer,I take it.
I saw single trunk Plummys at Home Depot $35. They were at least taller then usual. One ( white) was about 3',others that were various colors were 2' or so. White Plumeria is always the most vigorous growers it seems.

28 Jul, 2017


That's not a bad price for a 3' Plumeria tree. Here they can be about the same price. Although, many people here are generous and will give you a large 3 or 4 ft cutting. I got one 3' Plumeria 'Celadine' cutting from someone last summer. I got my large Plumeria 'Thai' form an old neighbor I didn't know. He gave me two big cuttings.

I saw a flat-bed truck with several very large (maybe 10' or more) plumerias in the back. It looked like they were dug up from someone's private garden. I saw this a few days ago.

28 Jul, 2017


I think there now more Plumeria in soucal than Oleander. I hear Oleander blight has killed many of them.
I saw a home with a few white Oleander standards..superb. Amazing how much more elegant the white flowered type are over the reds and pinks that way as small tree's.
Been busy..potting up growing plants,helping some plants in pots way too long but I don't want in bigger pots. Like a Birds nest fern I have. Big trunk,but the plants needed help. Too many years of cats knocking it over ( or racoons) snails,old fronds..soil missing. I can post photos later.
Nice to have things build up really. Makes up for the end of winter blues of some shoddy looking plants!

30 Jul, 2017


In my neighborhood I've seen over the years so many more plumerias get planted. They can grow pretty fast in the ground.

The Oleander are getting hit pretty hard by the blight. It's killing so many Oleanders.

I look forward to seeing your new photos.

30 Jul, 2017

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