Fuchsia 'Dollar Princess'?
By Seaburngirl

16 Aug, 2017
lost the label for this lovely fuchsia.
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well that helps narrow it down .. a bit :o)
17 Aug, 2017
There are so many varieties and lots are very similar, which makes identification difficult.
Is it hardy ?
17 Aug, 2017
well it has been left outside in a pot for the last 2 years. but we haven't really had a hard winter lately. That's the trouble really so many that are similar.
I have a label for a trailing one called Balcony Queen but this seems quite upright. The newer growth does bend a bit but not what I'd say was trailing.
17 Aug, 2017
Not sure if this will help
17 Aug, 2017
That's a good site Thrupennybit :)
I thought it might be Beacon or Lord Roberts. They are both hardy and have flowers similar to this. I know the two but there are probably other similar ones so don't take my word for it.
Balcony queen is definitely a trailer.
17 Aug, 2017
Thank you Hywel ☺
17 Aug, 2017
I also thought it wasn't Dollar Princess. I had a plant of Dollar Princess, a few years ago, if I remember correctly it was a double.
Like Hywel, I thought it might be 'Beacon', as I had several standards of my own making of it & it looks very similar. In fact, right now I have a couple of plants of it growing in a tub alongside our balcony door as well as one in a strawberry planter.
17 Aug, 2017
I visited the site you linked to Thrupennybit & looked at some of the photos of the Fuchsias I remember having grown. They were the same as I remembered but the photo of 'Beacon' was different. If the photo really does correspond to this Fuchsia & the colors are correct, then the plant I thought was 'Beacon' isn't 'Beacon'!
My 'Beacon' has a darker skirt & the shape is different to the one in the photo.
I tried to see if there was a photo of 'Lady Boothby' but there isn't.
18 Aug, 2017
On the British Fuchsia Society page, there is a photo of Beacon that looks just like mine! So I think my plant IS 'Beacon'!
The one on the Fuchsia Magic page looks like this:
I'll upload a couple of photos I've taken today of my 'Beacon' so you can see mine.
18 Aug, 2017
I've had lady Boothby and she is a tall one and she was a nice one.
18 Aug, 2017
The bigger of my two 'Lady Boothby' plants, the daughter of the other one, which is the original plant I was given some years ago, is almost 6 ft high now! When will it stop growing??? It's a cutting I rooted last year & was planted out at the end of spring this year only a couple of inches high. It's making growth of around an inch a week!
22 Aug, 2017
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No ... something else. I don't know what, but I do know it isn't Dollar Princess :)
16 Aug, 2017