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Carica papaya 'Red Caribbean' Fruit

Carica papaya 'Red Caribbean' Fruit (Carica papaya 'Red Caribbean')

My Red Caribbean papaya tree is full of fruit. This is just a few of the fruits on the 12' (3.7 m) tall plant. I'm hoping the 12" (31 cm) fruit will be ripening over the next month or so. Photo taken Oct. 10, 2017. Posted for my GoY friend Thrupennybit.

Comments on this photo


I like those red roof tiles too.

11 Oct, 2017


Practically, all the houses here have a red tile roof. :>))

11 Oct, 2017


Darn! I wish I had a red tile roof but at least i have papaya and im happy about that

11 Oct, 2017


Store-bought papayas are some of the worst fruits sold in the markets. I hope you have a fresh source for your papayas! The commercial papaya growers pick them too green and they can never ripen off the tree, unfortunately. Most people I talk to really dislike the fruit, not unless they grow them at home...then papayas taste sweet like candy.

11 Oct, 2017


I get them from a fruitstand to make smoothies. Not sure pf the original source.

11 Oct, 2017


If you ever have eaten one from someone's plant or in the tropics fresh, they're the best and tastes so different from ones purchased in markets.

11 Oct, 2017


Wow you have a lot there you ll have to send a ripe one to Bathgate so he will know the difference. I see a lot of youngesters teenagers on you tube from the USA and the UK posting sweet parcels to one another and casting their opinion while eating them you and Bathgate can pretent your both young teenagers swopping food and tells us your

11 Oct, 2017



If it were only so easy. Fruits sent out of California and into California are so extremely regulated, it's not funny.

12 Oct, 2017


Not too many papaya trees in NY.

12 Oct, 2017


It most likely can only be grown as an annual. Unfortunately, the season wouldn't be long enough for fruit.
Papaya fruit take 4 to 6 months to ripen.

12 Oct, 2017


What a shame Andy it being difficult with regulations.

12 Oct, 2017


I would nt be buying any from Mexico Bathgate they have found 4 types of Salmonella in them .

12 Oct, 2017


Yes, most states have really strict regulations for transporting fruits and vegetables. California's is one of the strictest in the the nation. It's because of the multi-billion dollar agriculture here. California grows the largest percentage of fruits and vegetables in the U.S.

12 Oct, 2017


Yes I can understand that then in case disease from other fruit or veg.

12 Oct, 2017


It mostly bugs, nematodes and fruit flies are major problems in some states.

13 Oct, 2017


California feeds the worid.

13 Oct, 2017


I can imagine ut does Andy I know America sends a lot of wheat food etc to Russia thats why I take no notice when they report the threat of war between these two countries as you would nt bite the hand that feeds you as the saying goes its all scare mongering to keep us in check and push us to what they want us to do if we rebel.

14 Oct, 2017



Yes, California does. California grows a large percentage of the World's almonds.

15 Oct, 2017


Ups a daisy sorry Bathgate I was half awake and called you Andy .

15 Oct, 2017


That's OK, I've been called worse!

15 Oct, 2017


15 Oct, 2017



I would hope so! lol!

17 Oct, 2017



17 Oct, 2017


LOL! :>))

18 Oct, 2017

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