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This lovely Spanish poppy still flowering..

This lovely Spanish poppy still flowering.. (Papaver rupifragum (Spanish Poppy))

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They keep going on and on, and self seed prolifically.

22 Nov, 2017


HB it came with us from the Midlands 17 years ago, would have to lose it now! they do thank goodness Siris!

23 Nov, 2017




26 Nov, 2017



27 Nov, 2017


"Muy bonita, la flor!" Sorry, I couldn't resist slipping in a few Spanish words! It means "The flower is very pretty!"

Unfortunately, unless you have it under cover, it will most likely die sometime in the next couple of days as we are forecast winds straight off the North Pole for the coming week, getting to its coldest on Thursday, day & night.

27 Nov, 2017


Balcony It is growing in one of the borders...... but it is hardy. and will appear in the Spring..... can't say I am looking forward to this cold snap!!

28 Nov, 2017


I imagined it would probably be hardy. Does it self-seed a lot? I'd never heard of a Spanish Poppy before.

My wife was just telling me that when she was a girl in Cuenca she & her sister often used to pick Poppies to take home!

She'd never seen this Spanish poppy before either!

30 Nov, 2017 I said we have been growing for over 20 years....

30 Nov, 2017

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This photo is of "Papaver Rupifragum...." in Dottydaisy2's garden

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