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Persicaria wallichii

Persicaria wallichii

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Big flowers aren't they? Took me a minute to remember what a Persicaria is different to mine. :)

30 Aug, 2018


So many different ones aren't there, I will add name to the title, it's Persicaria wallichii, it's a big plant

1 Sep, 2018


Saw a similar one at plant sale today. But as you say...big plant. Not for my garden.

1 Sep, 2018


It sprawls too but I don't mind.

4 Sep, 2018


I its lovely you do have the room for it Dawn ...I have to think carefully before I choose anything now ..

5 Sep, 2018


How's it going with your new garden Amy.

8 Sep, 2018


Its hard Dawn I want to change everything about it we've hardly touched the back garden its a case of going out every morning with my killer stuff and paintbrush to touch up any Horsetail I can see ,it comes up overnight I think I'm winning but have a dread of it all popping up again in the spring I darent plant new shrubs or trees until I know its eradicated or it will grow in amongst them I'm hoping we can start planting in the spring , I have a couple of patches I've planted up on either side of the steps where it seems clear of it ...
The side garden is not so bad but is very sandy we've pulled out all the old shrubs leaving a large bare area to be planned I've planted most of the plants and shrubs we bought with us down one side we can move them at a later date when we have a plan ,it's going to take time , Tony is putting together a greenhouse I bought on Gumtree its a good one its has 6 sides Tony has broken some panes which will need replacing once he has put it together ,I missed having a greenhouse ..

9 Sep, 2018


It sounds like you're doing well though Amy, getting all your old house plants in must have been a big job. You're greenhouse will be great. You'll get there :-)

10 Sep, 2018

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