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Flowering Hyacinth bulb.


By Hywel

Flowering Hyacinth bulb.

It belongs to Beryl, she always grows one in this glass.

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Very pretty ...

9 Jan, 2019


Looks good, Hywel!

9 Jan, 2019


Do you feel a bit sorry for it, with no compost?

9 Jan, 2019


Thank you all ...

Yes Sue , I don't really like growing them this way but it belongs to Beryl ... nothing I can do about it :(
It will go in the ground as soon as the flower fades.

9 Jan, 2019


A pretty one, I like them in the house to get their lovely scent - springtime!

10 Jan, 2019


Thanks ... yes you can smell the lovely scent as you walk into the room :)

10 Jan, 2019


It was a dead cert you'd put it in the ground Hywel... must take a few years before they flower again?

10 Jan, 2019


They don't usually do well but I like to give them a chance.

11 Jan, 2019


That's the same as me!

Though not in water our daughter gave me a pot of blue Hyacinths last year. There was so little compost in the pot that it might just as well been in water! Nevertheless for a week or so it flowered & then, like you, Hywel, I planted it in a decent pot full of compost & just today I noticed the noses of 2 of the 3 pushing through the compost on the balcony. I hope they will flower but we will have to wait & see!

13 Jan, 2019


Thank you, I'm glad they're growing again for you. I hope they will have flowers ...

14 Jan, 2019


A very pretty shade of pink. I like them too, but they always end up top heavy and having to be staked.

14 Jan, 2019


Yes, a pretty pink. Children like to grow them this way, it's educational for them to see the root development as well as the flower, so they sometimes grow them at school.

14 Jan, 2019


Thanks for all your comments.

15 Jan, 2019


Beautiful colour I bet it fills the room with ourfume.

17 Jan, 2019


It did while the flower was alive :) It's died back now and I've cut it off. Only the leaves are still there so I'll be planting it in the garden soon.

21 Jan, 2019


Shame they have to die back do you Bury yours deep when planting in the garden Hywel as mine in the past never come up as good once put in the garden.

22 Jan, 2019


I usually put them in the ground but they never do very well. Sometimes they just die away

23 Jan, 2019


Thank you Hywel same here I ve tried having them put in deep and shallow but neither works even at the edges where there is plenty of drainage.

23 Jan, 2019


We can but try lol x

23 Jan, 2019


Yes we can 😉I have got a pot of three from a sale so I will see when I get my grandson to bury them in the garden after they flower and die off what they will come back like next year. .

23 Jan, 2019


Good luck to them, I hope they will flower ... I also have some in a pot to put by the front door so that Beryl can see them , she can't go down the garden now it isn't suitable for a wheelchair.

23 Jan, 2019


My pot of 3 forced Hyacinths from last year are sprouting in the big pot I put them in. Whether they will flower is anyone's guess!

I have planted forced bulbs before on the balcony & they have flowered in subsequent years - but never nearly as well as when they were flowering for the first time!

23 Jan, 2019


Thank you Hywel awe that's a very thoughtful thing to do Beryl will love that also be able to smell the scent as well as see them. It s a shame Beryl can no longer go up the garden it must be frustrating for her I know it is for me when the chair can't get around places I am lucky I have a path in my garden where I can.

23 Jan, 2019


Thanks Balcony, yes I agree they never flower as well in subsequent years.

Our garden path is sot suitable for a wheelchair Theupennybit :( I'm glad to know you have a suitable path,

24 Jan, 2019


Thank you Hywel before I had my operation knowing I would be in a wheel chair after my son also advised me for him to get rid of some of the lawn by my kitchen window and for him to make a patio for my chair which cut down mowing so much grass at the same time I have no grass left at all in the back garden now.

24 Jan, 2019


There is no grass in my garden either. It's good you have less work in the garden now and it must be nice for you to have a patio to sit on. We also have one and I take Beryl out there on a sunny day but it's impossible to take her further down.

25 Jan, 2019


That's wonderful you can take Beryl on to your patio in the garden she can soak up the sun there to boost her Immune system a little each day is good an old nurse told me.

I can understand her not being able to get any further but I do love the way you have layed out your garden its far better than mine.
😊 x

25 Jan, 2019


The garden was done like that when Beryl was able to walk and she would go down there all the time. It would be such a big job to change it now, and costly too.
She can see down most of it from the patio anyway and she likes that.
I don't know if I'd say it was 'better' than yours though, just different. We have to have our homes and gardens done to suit our needs.

25 Jan, 2019


That's great she can still see the garden but just can't mingle in the wonderful different areas you created I can see why she was there all the time. Yes it would be very costly and a lot of hard work too.
I think its because your areas are at different angles and heights when in reality would be no good for me lol for getting the chair up thereike Beryl. Yes every ones garden are different to suit each of us

25 Jan, 2019


Thank you :) x

27 Jan, 2019


Your very welcome Hywel. 😊 xxx

27 Jan, 2019

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