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just down the rd from where i live


By Irish

just down the rd from where i live

Comments on this photo that's rain!! Do you swim?

9 Aug, 2008


i didnt think it was that bad irish, i hope it stops soon, thinking of you :-)

9 Aug, 2008


thanks guys,,, lol fraid i cant swim gardengnome, could be a good time to start tho

9 Aug, 2008


Youve just given everyone on Goy a Stiff neck.
Well Done Girl lol:)

9 Aug, 2008


It has been like that here too!

9 Aug, 2008


lol think of it as neck exercises Kev

9 Aug, 2008


awful isnt it Michaella

9 Aug, 2008


I am getting desperate, I have not been able to spend time out there much. This being indoor thing is getting tiring.

9 Aug, 2008


Yes it is. It has been like that for more that a week!

9 Aug, 2008


you going stir crazy ?

9 Aug, 2008


Wow, how bad is the flooding guys. Have many people had to evacuate? Thats awful Irish and Michaella.

9 Aug, 2008


few folk Had to be rescued Chris, think most want to stay in their own homes, was watchin it on the news just now, our main duel carriageway looks like a huge river

9 Aug, 2008


That is bad irish . All the rivers are swollen here but it isn't flooding.

10 Aug, 2008


hope they dont flood your way Blodyn, some of our rds are still closed off

10 Aug, 2008


Well yesterday on the way to Carmarthen there was a lot of surface water. It's flatter down there and often floods. I haven't heard of any closed rds so far. Hope it's better with you today. It's lashing down here : (

10 Aug, 2008


thanks blodyn, seems to be getting back to normal now here,,, if it doesnt rain for a while id say things will be fine

10 Aug, 2008


its good to hear your ok irish, what time did the rain stop?

10 Aug, 2008


must have stopped just b4 midnight last night Lyd,,,,,, id say there is plenty os snails washed into the irish sea after it, so get your frog spies on alert lol

10 Aug, 2008


there on red alert tonight and they know the irish snails, they are the ones with painted shells saying "welcome to ireland" ive heard about your moving souvenir money making scam lol

10 Aug, 2008


damm, back to the drawing board i suppose

10 Aug, 2008


OMG Eileen im so sorry 2 hear about all the flooding :( How awful 4 u :( X

10 Aug, 2008


aw thanks jacque

10 Aug, 2008


Really feel for you Eileen, Hope your house and garden is all okay. Don't know about drought tolerant plants, think we should all be thinking about pond marginals! We had a great downpour this afternoon, and as I looked out the window, there were tiny round boats sailing past with green shamrock sails????

10 Aug, 2008


Janey That was the snail evacuation committee :O)

10 Aug, 2008


lol kev,,,,,,,,,,,,, i was lucky jane,, the water didnt come inside my house

10 Aug, 2008


Well folks, you;d better watch out for those shamrock snails. You never know where they'll end up. Not in Hungary for sure, there's no sea here,

10 Aug, 2008


well Chris there is airmail so i dont see why we cant have airsnail lol

10 Aug, 2008

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