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Praying Mantis

Praying Mantis

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Keeeyah! they all look like ninjas to me!

27 Jul, 2019



27 Jul, 2019


Wow! They good for the garden, too!

5 Aug, 2019


They keep all the pests down.

5 Aug, 2019


Definitely! I wish I had more. I seem to have a lot more locust! Yuck! Lol!

10 Aug, 2019


The Praying Mantis eat locusts for dinner. In Thailand, the people eat them roasted and dipped in chocolate or honey - The Locusts.

10 Aug, 2019


Such weird alien looking creatures. Good they eat the garden pests though.

13 Aug, 2019


Very alien like, He's the only insect that can turn its head. Very people friendly. I'll often help them find a plant that has lots of aphids.

13 Aug, 2019


I've seen a few of the huge grasshoppers that look like locust...they fly singularly flocks, thank heaven. They are the size of the small birds, but I've seen a few carcasses. Perhaps it's the small animals eating them. Ryot loves to chase them...I don't think he's tried to eat one. They exude that tarry looking substance when captured... as kids we said he was chewing tobacco! As for the mantis' none seen so far.

16 Aug, 2019

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