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9076 found on the road...


By Lori

 9076 found on the road...

never seen such a large millipede before...

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That's an unusual millipede Lori.

30 Aug, 2019


Yes, I agree, Linda. I've seen the small black ones in the compost (ooops..) (perhaps he came along after I had spread it on the soil?) But this big one is a first for me.

2 Sep, 2019


Wow! That's a large millipede. It looks like a small snake. I used to have tons of them here in San Diego where I used to live (they did look like snakes). They were everywhere. I used to sweep them into the yard. EWW! LOL!

3 Sep, 2019


yes, Andy. ewwww.... shudder ...shudder... made me feel very creepy picking it up after hearing about the Hickory tussock moth caterpiller...wasn't sure if I should but I quickly transfered it to my umbrella and it feigned death for a while but when it started to move again it was pretty quick for it's size.

3 Sep, 2019


I like bugs Lori and that one is certainly impressive. Not much is dangerous here in the UK, but might be a bit wary about one that size!

4 Sep, 2019


Was it you who posted a pic of a sloe worm, honeysuckle? I know that that's not an insect but these big millipedes remind me of them though. both are beneficials. I've read that insects and snakes with bright colours are usually a warning to predators... "I'm toxic..or poisonous..." so I did a bit of research on this millipede and was relieved to find out that it wasn't harmful to people. I didn't try to keep it. As soon as I got some pics of it I returned it to the area I found it in. I hope he's out there somewhere munching on detritis! lol...

6 Sep, 2019

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