Salvia (Golden Girl?) For My File
By Siris

4 Sep, 2019
Grown from a cutting from a friend along the road.
Comments on this photo
Not sure if that's the true name, my friends not bothered about keeping labels.
5 Sep, 2019
The name suits it ,stick with it :o))
6 Sep, 2019
It looks lovely. I've been growing a few different perennial salvias the last couple of years, I blame Sarah Raven with her plant porn brochures, irresistible:-)
6 Sep, 2019
BA....I agree it shouldn't be allowed!! Disgraceful lady!!
Siris we had this pretty Salvia show its head this Summer, think it came from Hayloft!!
9 Sep, 2019
I dont think my neibour uses Hayloft.
9 Sep, 2019
Hillview Hardy Plants in Shropshire sell it, think it's a fiver. I've not used them myself, but as they're online will have a look at what else they've got .... now look what you've done:-)
11 Sep, 2019
Thank you Bornagain, I think, looking at their pics, my plant is Goldengirl.
11 Sep, 2019
Pictures by siris
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See who else is growing Salvia x jamensis.
See who else has plants in genus Salvia.
This photo is of "Salvia (Golden Girl?)" in Siris's garden
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Thats a new one to me Sue ,Its a lovely colour well done for growing it from a cutting ...
5 Sep, 2019