Amaryllis just starting to open in kitchen 22nd December 2019 001
By Balcony

23 Dec, 2019
Amaryllis just starting to open in kitchen 22nd December 2019
This the one with a twisted scape but has straightened out somewhat.
Comments on this photo
Thank you very much, Kate! :) The flowers are all open now & it looks very nice!
27 Dec, 2019
lovely colours. is it one of your own seedlings or a named one that you bought?
28 Dec, 2019
It's one of my own seedlings. I haven't bought any named ones - ever!
The only time I bought any Amaryllis was when I returned to the UK from Spain. In October that year (2001) the 1st International market in Huntingdon was held. I bought 3 Amaryllis bulbs from a Dutch stall that was selling them but they were sold only by colour & not by name. So I bought 1 Red, 1 White & 1 with red & white stripes.
I first tried cross pollinating them about 3 or 4 years later & they flowered 4 years later. That same year after flowering I took them down to my friend Gerry's allotment & planted them in the ground. When I went to lift them & take them home in October I found that lots of them had a hole in their base & were dying. Only much later did I find out the responsible was the Narcissus Fly! I had to throw more than half the bulbs away! :(
About 5 years later an American lady who posted on another gardening forum I was also a member of, MyFolia, send me some pollen from her Amaryllis. I was most surprised to see it when it arrived as she had made no mention of sending me anything!
I used some of that pollen to fertilize some of my own Amaryllis & a few ripened & so I sowed some of the seeds. So I sowed about 20 seeds & saved the rest after sending some to this lady who had sent me the pollen & some I send to another member of the forum, who also happened to be a member of GoY!
In their 4th year from sowing they flowered & I decided to call them 'AngloAmerican Hybrids'. In the last 2 or 3 years they have all become mixed up & I'm not very sure which are which any longer! A few I do recognise as they have a different patten from the Dutch Amaryllis & some I recognise from the shape of the flowers. A few are still in the pots I marked with their name & colour.
I've written several blogs about the origin of my Amaryllis over the years I've been a member of GoY.
I was thinking this afternoon of making another blog as I have several flowering at this moment in the kitchen as well as 4 with buds that will probably open in about 6 weeks time though they should be hibernating - not flowering!
31 Dec, 2019
thanks for the explanation, I remember you talking about your Anglo-American ones. I enjoy your blogs.
Why not see if you can assign a varietal name to them.
31 Dec, 2019
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Very pretty colours.
23 Dec, 2019