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For Paul, (Bathgate). My mint green bike.


By Kate123

For Paul, (Bathgate). My mint green bike.

Hopefully going to get out for a cycle ride tomorrow.. I’d love to get Eve to sit in the basket while we go out for a ride in the sunshine..can’t imagine any cat agreeing to this without being gaffer taped in!!

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Love your bike.......have had my eye on something France all the little dogs ride in the baskets...never seen a cat though!!

10 Apr, 2020


Lovely color. My bike is under chains in the basement :(

10 Apr, 2020


Ooh I do love a bike with a basket, and mint green is a lovely colour! I gave my bike to a friend last year because it was very heavy and I no longer had the strength to ride it 🙁. Did love it though . . .

10 Apr, 2020


I love your bike Kate!

10 Apr, 2020


Thanks everyone, I bought it a few years ago. It’s a Victoria Pendleton bike. I’ve seen a few around here now on Victoria and bright blue ones.
Julia, I think dogs are more willing and obedient, cats..well, do as they like! I’d have a little fight on my hands 😀
Dd, I’m a bit of a Francophile, I often fancy myself cycling along with my cat in the basket, baguette in my bag and daydreaming through the French countryside admiring the poppy fields ☺️
Thanks Paul, I loved the colour when I saw it!
Thanks Sheila, it’s a pity you had to give up the bike, but, it’s understandable. You have to be safe.
Thank you Karen 😉

10 Apr, 2020


I love the image of you cycling in France with a baguette in your bag . . . what fun! Do you speak French? I lived in Switzerland for four years and could never find a word for fun. On s’amuse just doesn’t quite do it 🙂.

10 Apr, 2020


Me too Kate! Always longed for a life in southern France...still do to be honest. Oh not so keen. I don’t want a Chateau...just a corttage. Aaaaah!

10 Apr, 2020


Karen, me too . . . just a little place would be a dream. Do you have a favourite place? I would choose Collioure or St Paul de Vence!

11 Apr, 2020


Sheila....I love the Dordogne and The area around St Emilion, but to be honest, I don't know it very well. We haven't been to France for years. As I mentioned...OH not that keen.

11 Apr, 2020


thats a super bike . our grandson cycles every evening and has an app where he is in contact with our granddaughter in New York they chat together keeping each other company he on his bike and she running they do about 8 miles he says she often runs faster than he can cycle , I guess she's turned into wonder woman Lol ..

11 Apr, 2020


Thanks again, girls! Great comments! I’ve only been to Paris, but I’d love to travel around the country a bit Karen mentioned - OH not keen. I did French for 6 years at school, O level and A level. I still try after all these decades to keep it up. I did Latin and Italian. I try out the Italian when I’ve been to Italy, but it’s not as good. My language teacher was a lovely nun, called sister Bernadette. I did do Spanish in 6th year, really as a bit of a time filler and you had to have so many classes - I never did really attend all lessons - my teacher was a James Mason lookalike, lovely man. He used to joke with me, what was it this morning, hairdryer broken down? I had this perfected bobbed hair in 6th form which took me ages to style!!!
Sheila, how lovely to have lived in Switzerland for several years! Must have been a dream, lucky you! I’ve been to Geneva, years ago.
It’s such a pity you can’t get to France, Julia...hopefully next year will make up for it.
Amy, gosh I wish I was as motivated and fit!

11 Apr, 2020


Your bicycle is lovely Kate you took me back when I was a kid with the basket on the front The Mapole boy always delivered peoples groucerys in the basket which was always full to the top the midwives use to use bicycles with baskets too to dekiver babys at home

11 Apr, 2020


Thank you Thrup, I’m pleased it brought back some nostalgia for you, and some lovely memories.

11 Apr, 2020


Yes, it is a bike that takes us back to happier, simpler times.

11 Apr, 2020


What did you think of Geneva Kate? That was where I worked, and skied at the weekends. After two years I met my husband (English) and we rented a chalet in the Jura mountains. Yes, a great life.

12 Apr, 2020


It certainly did Kate 😊

12 Apr, 2020


I doubt we will see those times ever again Karen nor what we had recently it will be now like the Hunger Games tv program from now on . In the recent news today cancer patients and parents are being asked to fill out DNR forms even for the kids.

12 Apr, 2020


Hi Sheila, we stayed in Geneva only for a couple of nights/days sadly...beautiful place though..we were on our way to ski in Flaine, France. We were meeting up with family and friends. All I can say is wow! What a lovely place to work, ski and fall in love, eh!
Julia, that was fortunate too that your husband worked in Geneva and you could travel with him too! Such great experience! :-)

12 Apr, 2020


Nifty bike Kate. It looks very well used and loved. I love your 'cargo holds' better than my backpack. Isn't it great just to get on your bike and go to who knows where?
just go! Sorry I've been off line for several days. A nasty storm knocked out my WiFi. lol! I love riding through the local parks with the winding twisting bike paths and out to the duck pond to feed the swans and take some pics, sometimes out to the shore. You seem to be enjoying yours too.Thanks for posting. :)

14 Apr, 2020


Thanks Paul! I do enjoy cycling on this minty marvel!! That cargo bag is very handy for carrying wine supplies from the little local shop as I cycle past!
I like to cycle down past the marina and around Old Town here, I never get bored. Racing down past the Humber estuary is good fun, well, apart from the walkers, dogs and joggers and other cyclists!!!
I hope the storm passed with no problems for you and your neighbours?

14 Apr, 2020


Yes gotta watch for the dog walkers - and the rogue volleyball. I'm due for another ride out to the duck pond to see what's coming up. Lot's of wild flowers should be coming up now. Riding is the best exercise.

15 Apr, 2020


Fortunately I have a little old style bell on my bike, it’s a ‘tring tring’ sort of ringer..quite loud and useful..especially for those who have their headphones on while daydreaming and texting while walking!
Hope you get out to the duck pond soon - you should post some pics if you get the chance to!

15 Apr, 2020


I will. I actually have a swan pic I'll post for you. I know exactly how your bike ringer sounds. Is it one of those spinning thumb powered ringers?

15 Apr, 2020


Now that I would like to see Kate ! Hahaa!

17 Apr, 2020


Me too, Rose. Can’t ever see me winning that struggle :-))

17 Apr, 2020


Kate: I thought of you when I saw this commercial. Is that you at the end? :)

Del Monte Green Beans Commercial

19 Apr, 2020


Ha! That’s funny! I did audition for it, but sadly it went to someone else!!!! :-D
I did go out cycling this afternoon, but, she looks more of a free spirit!

19 Apr, 2020


Lol oh ok!

19 Apr, 2020

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