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Clematis tangutica Bill McKenzie

Clematis tangutica Bill McKenzie (Clematis tangutica 'Bill McKenzie')

this doesn't usually flower until the late summer so its nice to see it now.

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Lovely, but I had to remove mine it was swamping everything.

10 Jun, 2020


I said 'like' but like Siris I found it a thug so it had to go. I am not happy that our new next door neighbour is letting hers grow through everything in our garden. I need to cut it back to the boundary but it grabs everything in sight so no way can I give her the severed strings. I need to get it cut before it starts ripening seeds. Her one is in flower now too.

13 Jun, 2020


I think this is one I had a few years ago at a different address. I also found it a bit of a thug, but luckily enough it was growing where it wasn't too much trouble. It is a beauty.

15 Jun, 2020


it is in a shady spot so doesn't seem to run riot. so far at least.

15 Jun, 2020

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This photo is of "Clematis tangutica 'Bill McKenzie'" in Seaburngirl's garden

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