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20200616 184227

20200616 184227

Comments on this photo


Are you the 'lawn person'? It looks pristine.
My OH has his eye set on the lawn and is determined to turn it into something decent rather than the weedy turf it is at the moment. I think he's onto a lost cause with all the rubble buried beneath it but we shall see. He even acquired a roller yesterday.. It could become an obsession.. This lockdown has a lot to answer for!

17 Jun, 2020


It looks full of charm and character.

17 Jun, 2020


Your lawn puts mine to shame Julia ! I bought a weed remover for large weeds , mainly thistles and it worked a treat but left holes which the fox decided to make bigger. Its the front lawn only as the other one is ok, but nowhere as good as yours ! I don't spend enough time on it !

18 Jun, 2020


Very pretty aspect, Julia. The pristine, lawned path is looking inviting to take a stroll and enjoy the rest of the garden.

18 Jun, 2020


What a perfect path.......lawn looks excellent....

18 Jun, 2020


That's a really lovely photo Meadow, with the grass path leading just out of sight. Very peaceful..

19 Jun, 2020

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