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Looks strangely human-like to me

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Amazing creatures that have been around for a very long time

7 Aug, 2020


Yes in a weird way :o)

7 Aug, 2020


I'm just thrilled with all the different colors they come in, even transparent. Their main food is mosquitoes. That's a good thing.

7 Aug, 2020



13 Aug, 2020


When you think that the larva live and hunt in the water first and them they emerge to become these beautiful colourful hunting never ceases to amaze me Paul.

14 Aug, 2020


I keep hoping we will see one in our pond, but no such luck yet 😕

14 Aug, 2020


I used to have water iris in the pond we used to have Waddy, but you have to keep on top of them, as they spread fast, but the flowers are nice and the dragonflies used to land on them, also it gave the larva somewhere to emerge and transform. There are different water plants you can buy to plant in ponds, it just depends on the size of pond that you have.

14 Aug, 2020


They are pretty amazing - how they catch their prey on the wing and all the different colors and styles to them and they keep those pesky mosquitoes under control.

14 Aug, 2020


looks like a hang glider, doesn't he? I've seen them prey upon one another. Very useful as well as interesting and beautiful insect! With the first hatch in May our valley looks like the evacuation of Saigon! In the slanted rays of sunset they look like golden tinkerbells!

17 Aug, 2020


Yes they do. I see it too.

17 Aug, 2020

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