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The Dahlias have sprung back to life again. The 'Mom's Special' on the left and far right a cutting from it last year. Still plain mauve. I think SBG was right when I asked the question about cuttings being a clone. Maybe too unstable. Plus it was bought as a dinner plate Dahlia and isn't even saucer size.

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Mine get a late start every year, so I won't be getting the first flower for a while.

24 Sep, 2020


These will be getting ready to finish if we get the frost we've been forecast. They did have a blip when we got those 36 and 37 degree days and I thought I might lose some but they've come back from it.

24 Sep, 2020


Our weather has finally gone below 70°F and the long pants have come out. All my South African bulbs are enjoying the drop in temperatures.

24 Sep, 2020


I wish Wylie!

24 Sep, 2020


What a lovely array of colour! I’m pleased you’ve had a second flush!

24 Sep, 2020


Thank you. The one on the left was the original tuber of 'Mom's Special' Klahanie. Flecked mauve and white but the cutting I took last year is just mauve.The other flower on the original plant is half and half, top flecked, bottom mauve. I thought a cutting was a clone of the plant but obviously not in this case.

25 Sep, 2020


Very pretty Dahlias. Wonderful colors.

27 Sep, 2020


Lovely colour there.

14 Oct, 2020

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