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Autumn wreath

Autumn wreath

Comments on this photo


That's so attractive.

3 Oct, 2020



3 Oct, 2020


Wish I could claim I made it!

5 Oct, 2020


How's the hand now? Hope it's mending well!

5 Oct, 2020


Bright green so on the mend!

5 Oct, 2020


Well, that sounds weird but I'm glad it's healing!

6 Oct, 2020


Had to go back to hospital to have another xray just to make sure it wasn’t broken. Turns out I have a rather large hematona which explains why swelling is still there. They take a while to dissolve so in the meantime can’t go to gym & careful gardening!

10 Oct, 2020


Sorry for the late reply . . . I keep getting a blank screen when on here . . . :o(

Take things steady and slow for a good recovery.

15 Oct, 2020


Happy to report hand nearly back to normal which catches me out when digging in garden when I do feel a twinge! Am busy digging up perennials, dividing them and moving things about. Planted my DA roses and am like an impatient child having to wait for spring!

6 Nov, 2020


Be careful, you don't want to undo any good healing on your hand!

6 Nov, 2020

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