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Ravenna rivularis - Majesty Palm

Ravenna rivularis - Majesty Palm (Ravenna rivularis - Majesty Palm)

This is a nice specimen growing in the Kensington district of San Diego. There two others on the opposite side. It’s loving the very hot weather we’ve been having. Photo taken October 8, 2020.

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I can see why it has that name - fabulous!

16 Oct, 2020


Thank you. It’s a very common palm here.

16 Oct, 2020


Yes, very majestic. The trunks remind me of elephant limbs. It’s a lovely exotic.

17 Oct, 2020


Using Firefox for my GOY perusing-ha.
Nice find..has a Royal palm bulkiness to it. They've done a great job of fertilizing it,the color is outstanding.
Andy..19 days into Oct and we are averaging 82f..that's far above the 73f of usual. Warmer nights..61vs 54 too.
The long range might end with us at 80f...that's warmer than any summer month.

20 Oct, 2020


It probably gets fertilizer from the grass.

Yes, I’ve seen the really hot daytime and night temps this month and for the last 3 months in the SF Bay Area. It’s been insanely hot here, also. It’s finally cooler today, only 78 degrees...after many days in the upper 90’s and even 100 degree weather!

22 Oct, 2020



22 Oct, 2020


Thanks 😊

I have one in a pot. It grows faster and better in the ground

25 Oct, 2020


Please don't be mad on me Delonix, but
Big trees in pot is like birds in a cage for me :(

26 Oct, 2020

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This photo is of species Ravenna rivularis - Majesty Palm.

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