Robin in the park.
By Lindak
- 28 Oct, 2020
Comments on this photo
Thanks Anget Lovely little birds aren't they. They sing away. Glad to hear that your Woodpecker is back.
Thanks Meadowland. We occasionally get Long tailed tits visit this area. They usually come in a group. Same as the Goldfinches.
28 Oct, 2020
I'm jealous - haven't seen any longtailed tits for years and years... Lovely little robin - you can't be cross with them can you. I love the way they come down and investigate what you are doing, just in case any insects appear. And do you agree their winter song beats all the others?
28 Oct, 2020
I love the song they sing. Yes they get quite friendly. A very very very long time ago when I stayed at gran's house for a couple of nights, in the morning she'd open the back door and a Robin used to come to the door for it's breakfast.
29 Oct, 2020
Ahhhh! Not the sort of thing you forget...
30 Oct, 2020
Can’t beat having a robin or two in the garden. Lovely capture here, Linda! Handsome little chap!
1 Nov, 2020
We have a robin visit the garden, and have a nesting box, but it's never been used Kate.
1 Nov, 2020
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There's something very confiding about British robins. I can see why they find favour with the public. This is a lovely, photo, Linda. I was pleased to see our lady woodpecker was back on the peanuts this morning - haven't seen her for a while, although her OH has been a regular.
28 Oct, 2020