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By Lindak

Latest drawing.

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Lovely sketch, Linda. A very serene looking subject.

21 Mar, 2021


Thanks Kate. They're not always perfect, but I try to catch the cat's personality.

21 Mar, 2021


Thanks Meadowland. I have a go at sketching now and again. The main thing is to use the pencil same as the brushes in the direction of the fur, same with the eyes, when it's rounded you follow the lines round.

21 Mar, 2021


A lovely study of this cat.

21 Mar, 2021


Thanks Wildrose.

22 Mar, 2021


Thanks Paul, I've always been able to draw...perhaps not perfectly, but it's something I enjoy doing, and during this lockdown I've given quite a few away to cheer people and children. Same with my stories and poetry.
I always encourage others to have a go too.

29 Mar, 2021


Good to hear. Just relax and enjoy drawing. I have to have a rubber at hand to correct the lines I'm drawing.

29 Mar, 2021

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