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Wisteria in the sunshine at last.

Wisteria in the sunshine at last.

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Fabulous! How old is it, Rose?

26 May, 2021


It must be about 20 years old Anget.

26 May, 2021


I love to see Wisteria flowering! There used to be an house here that had the whole of the front covered in it & every year it was a fantastic sight! Unfortunately a few years ago it was cut down! 😞 Whether the owners of the house sold the hose & the new owners got rid of it I don't know as it's at the far end of a street I sometimes cross but very rarely enter. It could be seen flowering right from the beginning of the street.

When my youngest son was about to get married & was waiting for his new flat to be finished being built he rented a flat & from the first floor windows there was a magnificent view of some Wisterias that must have been 100 years old at least. They had been planted at the bottom of a wall about 4ft high with railings another 3dt high & the trunks of the plants had so entwined around the railings that they no doubt supported them rather than them the plants!

27 May, 2021


Absolutely beautiful!!!! Attempted to grow here, but sadly I was unsuccessful..

27 May, 2021


Balcony thank you so much for sharing with me your two stories about your memories of wisteria. When you see one in full flower it does make you stand and stare. Ours is small in comparison with some of the best ones I have seen.

Kate nobody was more surprised than us when our wisteria actually grew - so maybe you ought to have one more try!!

27 May, 2021


Fabulous Chris ,I really miss mine ,I hope the new owners are looking after it I'm afraid they didn't seem too interested in gardening ....

2 Jun, 2021


Thank you, Chris! That’s good to hear..makes you feel more positive about trying to grow it again!

2 Jun, 2021

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