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Latest painting


By Lindak

Latest painting

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Quite a calming painting, Linda.

29 Dec, 2021


No story Klahanie, I just fancied painting owls and found three pictures and composed my own. I've written this little poem that I've just thought up.....

A family of little owls out one night,
Sat on branches in deepening twilight,
Waiting for the moon to shine on the ground,
Watching for little mice scurrying around.

It was quite a venture to paint this Kate. It took me ages of putting one coat of watercolour on to another. Especially the feathers. Glad you liked it.

30 Dec, 2021


Thanks Klahanie. I've just made a drawing of the neighbour's Dalmatian dog. Don't know how it will turn out with the painting, but I'm giving it a go. Lots of spots.......

31 Dec, 2021

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