Double sunshine!

7 Feb, 2022
Lovely to see these yellow Crocus before the birds peck them to bits.
Comments on this photo
We had a brief sunny period today and a few yellow Crocuses opened here, just like yours, so welcome.
7 Feb, 2022
Thankyou both - whilst digging up a Zebra grass earlier I saw these had opened up in the sun. Raining this evening . . . :o(
Oh yes, I tried to add 3 photos but this was the only one to be accepted!
7 Feb, 2022
Beautiful yellow Crocuses, Shirley! 👏😃 I love these early Crocuses but haven't got any this year! 😞
11 Feb, 2022
The yellow ones always seem to show first,I wonder why? I have a few appearing this week ,but not as many as usual..
11 Feb, 2022
I noticed this morning that a few of the yellow ones have 'flopped' before they have even opened! Birds peck at the yellow ones too . . . :o(
12 Feb, 2022
I think that could have happened to some of mine too,Shirley..oh well,that's nature. :o) .
12 Feb, 2022
Sandra, Mother Nature could do with warming it up down here today - it's so cold out in the biting wind. I'm now staying in for the duration . . . :o))
13 Feb, 2022
Have you seen the weather forecast for the next few days? Seems we are in for some lively weather! A total of THREE named storms are about to hit the UK! 😱
15 Feb, 2022
Sorry David, only just seen your comment. Thank goodness the storms have abated now, but so sad to read of deaths and destruction in the UK and elsewhere . . . :o(
20 Feb, 2022
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Crocus Small Flowered Mixed
£4.95 at Unwins -
Crocus Chrysanthus Blue Pearl
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Glorious and vivid colour, Shirley! Mine are still small green shoots!
7 Feb, 2022