Marsh Marigolds
By Lincslass

29 Mar, 2022
Frogs very busy in this one, Acers showing new leaves..
Comments on this photo
Nice to see everything coming to life again ,Sue.Let's hope the cold weather due tomorrow,doesn't do a lot of harm.The new red foliage on the Pieris might be brown in the morning!:o( .
29 Mar, 2022
I love the marsh marigolds, you hav some good clumps there, Lincs. Shame about the cold weather returning. I wonder if last 2 weeks were our summer??
29 Mar, 2022
wonderful pond. love marsh marigolds too, mine in tight bud.
30 Mar, 2022
Love the pond and the wildlife will appreciate the marigolds being there like dragonflies when they emerge from the water to climb up on to. It's a lot colder today and we've had a drop of rain too. Perhaps snow over the next few days? I've bought my seedlings into the conservatory from our greenhouse. Think they will be warmer in there.
30 Mar, 2022
I too love the Marigolds Rose, they're a lovely splash of colour in both ponds, I saw a white one in another forum last week, didn't even know there was a white, been trying to find one to buy but no luck so far... Sorry you are still under the weather, the pond won't go anywhere so you stay indoors and get yourself right again... xx
30 Mar, 2022
Hi Sandra, its actually not as cold today but we have a very white sky and constant drizzle, now that could go either way, fingers are mentally xxx.....Can't change it can we....
30 Mar, 2022
I started out with the tiniest of clumps Anget, since then its been split many times, some has even gone as far as Kent into my nephews pond.
Nope !!!!
I've informed summer to be back here by the middle of May, rain twice a week overnight, no days to be unbearable but we do want warm nights so we can stay outside until after dark without a sweater, then a beautiful long autumn, lasting until two weeks before xmas...Hows that for wishful thinking Anget...
30 Mar, 2022
Seaburn that pond has been in for approx 46yrs, its always been my favourite part of the garden, sadly it has a leak, thankfully near the top, the size of the slabs puts us off at our age, even contemplating replacing the liner is a nogo unless we can get somebody in to do it...
30 Mar, 2022
Hi Lindak, I spend ages watching the dragonflies, such pretty colours that glow in the sunshine, although I beat a swift retreat indoors when the Hornets appear, lol, there is a clump of Blue iris in there as well, when the little frogs emerge they will climb up them, my grandchildren used to spend many a sunny afternoon trying to coax them onto a cane, happy memories....
30 Mar, 2022
Thanks Sue! It's just frustrating that for the last fortnight, the weather was brilliant here, and I missed it! Grr!
Much better today though!
30 Mar, 2022
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I love marsh marigolds Sue! I actually got my wild life pond finished and when I am well enough will be doing a blog.
I put marsh marigolds in this pond , but are very small at the moment!
Yours look lovely! So cheerful!
29 Mar, 2022