Amaryllis belladonna hybrid

13 Sep, 2022
I have been at it again, this time it is a cross between a white Amaryllis, 'Fred Meyer White' and a pink 'Rose Fonce'. The differences between this and the species are subtle, but they are there. Most important is that it is earlier than the species. It took 5 years for this first bloom.
Comments on this photo
If you never start the seeds, you'll never have the plant. It took 11 years for my Strelitzia nicolai to first bloom and 18 years for an orange tree from seed to give a fruit. 5 years is fast! I have trays of hippeastrums and nerines growing.
14 Sep, 2022
Good point.
14 Sep, 2022
That's a beautiful plant, Wylie! 👍😀 I like it very much!
I've grown Amaryllis from seeds to flowering on 2 occasions & I've written blogs on GoY about them as well.😀
I now have a 'Bird of Paradise' groning from seed that is in its 4th year!
15 Sep, 2022
This is the species Amaryllis belladonna. They will now put up leaves and grow until spring, when they need a dry summer rest. The bulb needs to be larger than the Hippies before they will flower, so the long wait.
The 1st year seedlings of Hippeastrum that I have are H. cybister 'Chico' x H.c. 'Evergreen' and the reverse cross. I am letting them grow through the winter and next year they will get a dry winter rest.
The Bird of Paradise is hard to start from seed, so Congrats!
15 Sep, 2022
I've just written a blog on the Bird of Paradise and the first picture shows the seeds.
17 Sep, 2022
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Such impressive patience - but worth it!
13 Sep, 2022