I think this Hydrangea is Silver Dollar
By Janey
- 19 Oct, 2022
I love this hydrangea, though I can't be sure Silver Dollar is it's name. It comes out creamy white then matures to this very pretty blush pink. The stems are fine, not really strong enough for the flower heads. I'll mulch it well over winter and feed it well again next year, hoping to get it's strength up!
Comments on this photo
Have recently purchased this Hydrangea…..I hope it does as well as yours!
19 Nov, 2022
Hello Dd! I think you won't be disappointed. I must say I've moved mine around over the years, and now I hope I've found the best site for it..
20 Nov, 2022
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It's one I would recommend Julia. I've a feeling my soils not great. Mine's neutral to alkaline, which is the type it needs, but another area of the garden that has a high old wall sucking the moisture out of it!
19 Oct, 2022