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Salvia 'Hot Lips'

Salvia 'Hot Lips'

This has been flowering for months!

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They’re amazing aren’t they Shirley. Our deep pink Salvia Cerro Potosi is still covered in flowers (and has seeded itself around I’m happy to say. I had no idea they like a drought!

30 Oct, 2022


Julia, I must take some cuttings for my daughter as she loves this one.

Sheila, this morning I saw my pots of Iris and Narcissus bulbs with green tips popping up ... already! At this rate, they will be out in bloom for Christmas.

31 Oct, 2022


That will be a treat for you then Shirley. I wonder if that means I’m a bit too late to plant my Narcissus bulbs?!

31 Oct, 2022


Sheila, I doubt you are too late for planting them ... perhaps do it asap though? :o)

31 Oct, 2022


Thanks … the soil will be much softer now too 🙂.

31 Oct, 2022


Great specimen

31 Oct, 2022


Paul, it really has been a pleasure to have this flowering for so long. How is your weather today? We had another stormy night, trees down etc.!

1 Nov, 2022


Rain all the time ! Garden is very soaked and next year will not water it. Garden looks awful until April :(

1 Nov, 2022


Paul, think positive, it could be snowing! :o)

2 Nov, 2022


Fab isn't it!!!! I've the Cherry Lips and its still looking good too.

13 Nov, 2022


Kate, here we are on 13th November and I have so much still in bloom. Penstemons, Roses, Salvias, even a bright yellow Chrysanthemum in a pot is full of flowers. So strange!

13 Nov, 2022


Strange indeed Shirley … Gaura and Salvias still going strong and Osteospermum, and the Abelia smothered in pretty white flowers (almost forgot its name there!).

13 Nov, 2022


Sheila, I do wonder how this weather is affecting the wildlife? They must be just as confused as we humans are! I have a yellow Chrysanthemum, a potted one that Michael bought for indoors back in May. After it had flowered, I put it outdoors and it is flowering beautifully today!

14 Nov, 2022


I’d been wondering about the wildlife too, Shirley. They probably are out of sync like the plants are…
Horrid weather today, bursts of heavy downpours sporadically this morning…

17 Nov, 2022


Kate, I saw a Crow yesterday with a beak full of nesting material!!! We had dreadful overnight rain, it's come into the garage, local roads are flooded and wellie boots needed to get from the house to the car for some folk. I am having a stay-at-home day ... :o)

17 Nov, 2022


Poor birds don't know what in earth's going on!
It's rained here non stop since late morning...
Miserable really.
I've been doing some housework and work emails. I'm off til Sunday, when I'm covering the office. If I wasn't at yoga at 5.45pm I'd be staying in all day!

17 Nov, 2022


Kate, I hope the rain stops for your time off work! The sun is shining here, 8am, so we shall make the most of the day.

18 Nov, 2022

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Pictures by shirley_tulip
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This photo is of "Salvia microphylla 'Hot Lips'" in Shirley_tulip's garden

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