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Surprisingly Hardy


By Siris

Surprisingly Hardy (Coronilla valentina glauca)

Smell the scented flowers today. It has not been protected against the freezing cold we had and the wet weather now. It usually keeps flowering for at least a couple of months.

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Must be nice to have the scent at this time of year, I can’t wait for this month to pass…not to wish my life away!
Pretty yellow flowers too!

15 Jan, 2023


Since "discovering" this plant about 5 years ago it has turned out trumps. Evergreen, easy to propagate, long long scented flowering period.

15 Jan, 2023


It looks wonderful it really does.The scent must be so nice too.

15 Jan, 2023


If its a warm and sunny day, the scent is delightful.

15 Jan, 2023


This is lovely ... may I ask the aspect this is in please? Wondering if it would thrive in a South facing front garden.

16 Jan, 2023


the one you gave is still alive despite the last year's weather. Need to be repotted soon though. cant wait for it to be a grown up haha.

16 Jan, 2023


Shirley, this plant is by the front door facing south west, so people can experience the scent there. I was so pleased with its hardyness, I have a large cutting plant sitting behind the evening sun bench, which is sheltered, west facing but only gets the sun late afternoon, waiting to be planted out there. It too is flowering now although still in a pot.
Thats good SBG, put it somewhere where you can enjoy its scent.

16 Jan, 2023


Siris, thanks so much for this info., I may just be able to give it those conditions, should I purchase one later in the year! Your photo of it has gone to my Favourites as my memory cannot be trusted!

18 Jan, 2023


I remember feeling quite envious of this beautiful plant in past years Sue , it's obviously much hardier than it looks, you have it in a position which suits it perfectly ..

19 Jan, 2023


Thank you Amy. I do take cuttings of plants that are considered tenderish, just in case. Also I dont prune into old brown wood. Will replace if it gets too lax.

19 Jan, 2023

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