Another casualty of the deep freeze.
By Meadowland

17 Mar, 2023
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'Hotlips' Salvia in the centre of the photo has certainly succumbed to it...such a shame,it must be about 10 years old.I'm very reluctant to remove it.
Comments on this photo
Most of my Salvias have much dead growth, but Im not cutting back till fairer weather. I'll wait to see if some new growth emerges from the base.
17 Mar, 2023
Julia, I fear many of us will have plant casualties this Spring ... I can see no sign of growth from a couple of Clematis plants ... :o(
18 Mar, 2023
It's been a strange few months weather-wise. Very unpredictable and its certainly caused us gardening problems. It's either mild and sunny, then, bang, minus temperatures overnight and frosty mornings or drizzle and sodden wet grass and soil!!! I do hope we can salvage our plants!
18 Mar, 2023
You are quite right, Kate, the weather is very chargeable! I have to put my plants back in the mini-greenhouse after a few days of milder weather & then take them out again! In fact this morning I put my pots of Geraniums on the balcony railing so that they would benefit from more hours of sunshine but this afternoon I read that for the weekend another bout of cold weather is headed our way! 🙄
22 Mar, 2023
Julia, my acers are slow to start showing new spring growth, apart from one which is sheltered. It must correlate to the hot, dry summer and then out bizarre winter weather..?
22 Mar, 2023
Crikey,'s going to be another strange week with the weather then! I saw 15 degrees here in Hull, I guess a weekend of not so good weather ahead.
Mad March weather indeed!
22 Mar, 2023
It's such a shame for us losing our precious plants Julia, especially when they've been with us for quite a few years. We've had such heavy rains here today, the plants in my raised bed are sodden, I've fingers crossed for the two hydrangeas I planted last year. I know they like the water, but there is no sun there all winter. And the wood sides are a pale shade of green, not my choice I hasten to add!
30 Mar, 2023
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I hope it's not completely dead, Meadow. I finished cutting back this morning and our hebes and penstemons seem to have succumbed en masse, but, like you, I haven't dug them out yet. Surprisingly, most of the salvias which were left out doors still seem to be with me. Another horrible, soggy, muddy day here trying to work outdoors.
17 Mar, 2023