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Epiphyllum Pink

Epiphyllum Pink

More of the pink flowers on my Epiphyllum. Photo taken April 27, 2023.

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Lovely to see it flowers, Andy!

I have one that was given to me a few years ago from a friend who lived in Brazil for many years. He has a lot of them in the conservatory in his back garden. I still had the original plant he gave me in the original pot & soil but it had never flowered. I also had a rooted cutting that is growing very well but it hasn't flowered either & it must be 3 years old at least

A few weeks ago I bought some Cacti & Succulent compost & after repotting the 6 Cacti I have I decided that I'd do the same with Epiphyllum & other succulents I have. I found the original plant was sopping wet! It obviously wasn't draining properly. When I took the plant out of the pot I divided it up into smaller pieces & potted them in small pots. For the moment at least they all seem happy! I hope they continue that way & that I may see some flowers - one day!

9 May, 2023



They need a lot of light or sun to bloom. Sometimes when they bloom best is when they’re in full sun all day and the leaves burn here.

12 May, 2023


Thanks for the info. Andy. These are in full sun at least they are from about 1pm when the sun enters the kitchen window. The window faces WSW so gets all the sun that's available - when it comes out that is! They have never been outside on the balcony so perhaps I could try putting them outside till October.

14 May, 2023


Sun inside a house is always less than even a plant outside in shade. I found most flowering plants or trees need at least some direct sun to bloom well.

I think outside on a balcony would be perfect!

19 May, 2023


In a couple of weeks I will move them outside when I finish getting the balcony set up for summer.

19 May, 2023


Good luck! I hope they flower for you!

23 May, 2023


I look forward to seeing them flower as well! They seem to have liked the new compost as all the little plants are now putting on new growth!

24 May, 2023


That’s great news!

My red-purple Epiphyllum bloomed today. I’ll post a pic soon.

26 May, 2023


Looking forward to seeing your picture, Andy! But it's likely to be a very long time before I get a photo of mine in bloom! Perhaps next year.

26 May, 2023



I’ve posted the pic.

Good luck for next year’s bloom. I’m sure it’ll be very floriferous.

29 May, 2023


Thanks, Andy. 👍

31 May, 2023


I just noticed more buds on my pink and purple Epiphyllums.

Epiphyllum oxypetalum is another easy, and very large plant (20 ft [6.5 m]or more) to get to bloom. It also bloom many times throughout the year, but only at night.

1 Jun, 2023

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