Just seen two Herons and a Kingfisher down on the river.P1070126
By Lindak

19 Jul, 2023
Comments on this photo
That really made me smile.
The Bronze Egret landed heavily
by the side of Meadowland's pool,
it wanted to dive in after the fish,
but the weather was rather cool.
It stared down into the cold water,
and decided to wait for the sun,
to warm the pond up before he dived in,
because he weighed quite a ton.
20 Jul, 2023
That must have been exciting Linda and to see a kingfisher! Great poem, you're very talented..
22 Jul, 2023
great capture
6 Jan, 2024
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19 May, 2023
Thanks Meadowland, Somewtimes we get a white egret or a cormorant on the river.
19 Jul, 2023