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For the 'Jordan' Acer growers.

For the 'Jordan' Acer growers.

This year It has put on quite a lot of growth but looking rather crispy! How are yours doing?

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Yes, I agree, Julia. I've 2 that are crispy on top. My largest acer has a lot of brown crispy leaved in areas. OH did some research and he said it should recover next Spring.
Here's hoping.

9 Sep, 2023


Ours is fine Julia … grown to about knee height this year, and just beginning to brown slightly at the edges which is probably quite normal.

9 Sep, 2023


Definitely crispy. Many of ours are the same. Not impressed with the look!

12 Sep, 2023


Mines done quite well. It has new growth which is peach coloured, but lots of crispy leaves too..

13 Sep, 2023

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