They are poppy up again...just love them especially as they seem to like the newly organised gravel area which had been some what neglected
By Meadowland

7 Nov, 2023
Comments on this photo
Beautiful yellow Poppy, ML! 😃I've seen a few red ones around here lately as well. No yellow ones though!
Back in August our town council installed 3 big concrete planters around the cash machine very close to block of flats. They said they were put there, in consultation with the local police force, to stop thieves getting close to the cash machine in a lorry or van as well as livening up the area with a few flowers.
At the time the Town Mayor was inspecting people's gardens for the Best Front Garden prize & was inspecting our balcony. As I saw the planters being put out by the Town Council gardeners I asked him about them. I had already imagined why they were being put in place! But good to get official confirmation nevertheless!
The thing is they still haven't planted them up, even after they have been there the last 4 months! So nature is taking charge! Among the weeds, (sorry, native flowers 😃), there are some cultivated flowers as well! As there was a little soil in the planters seeds from previous uses must have fallen in, germinated, grown & now they are flowering! The 3 planters each have at least 1 Petunia in them, 1 has 2 or 3, as well as a Viola in one. I've been observing them frequently as I have to pass by them often. I've even taken a few pictures! 😃
13 Nov, 2023
Love these yellow poppies, and we have a few here, but they tend to overseed everywhere, so I have to keep them in check by deadheading them.
14 Nov, 2023
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Lovely to see in November.
As we were driving over to OH's mums this morning, I saw some red poppies on the grass verge. Amazing, nice to see too.
12 Nov, 2023