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A new notice at the lake today!

A new notice at the lake today!

We often pass families who are encouraging youngsters to feed the wild birds.Good to see this notice.

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We always fed bread to the Ducks when our children were small. Looking back on those times I wonder why we even did that!

26 Feb, 2024


Oh that's dreadful. We used to visit Swanbourne Lake in Arundel where there is a large concrete area for the birds to eat, these days it's specific bird food, bought on site.

26 Feb, 2024


We always give the geese and ducks grain.
When we were children, we used to feed the ducks and geese at our local park, but were supervised by mum.

3 Mar, 2024


I suspect that most of us fed ducks with bread at least. I seem to remember doing so but I don't really remember if our kids did as well. Perhaps the few years they lived in the UK we may have done so but where we lived in Spain there were no water birds to feed.

We didn't know any better when we were kids - or perhaps even as young parents ourselves! we did what we always used to do when we were kids & probably our parents did the same when they were kids or young parents.

3 Mar, 2024

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