By Harli
- 4 Sep, 2008
Comments on this photo
They look good!
4 Sep, 2008
I'll take the mangoes, never tried pawpaws. They made the most incredible raspberry sauce to use with pork, or over waffles.
I have enough freezer jam to last the Winter.
4 Sep, 2008
How many raspberries were in the bowl when you first got out your camera?
Admit it -
you ate a few while setting up the picture LOL
Not surprising - they look truly scrumptious.
4 Sep, 2008
I cannot tell a lie... I picked one and ate two each time. They made glorious raspberry shortcake. I wish I could send you some of the raspberry jam, but Im sure its illegal between countries. It's far superior to store bought and the color is downright sexy. LOL
4 Sep, 2008
they look delicous , ours have all finished ,I,d love to try your raspberry shortcake Mmmmmmm:D
4 Sep, 2008
Hello, I'm here!! It's not illegal between counties in the same country!!!! Actually depending on how desperate I am for them I could drive there! lol
4 Sep, 2008
HOO! HOO! This could be the start of a really really CLOSE friendship?!! drool!
4 Sep, 2008
I would love to send you some of the raspberry sauce. We had it last night with ham, and it was incredible. And our waffle iron gets a lot more use since the raspberries. LOL You have my email address.
4 Sep, 2008
Harli, that raspberry sauce sounds delicious. How about the receipe??
6 Sep, 2008
Oh my ...wonderful raspberries Harli....I tried to start some here but the wind beat them to shreds before they could get fresh raspberries...
19 Feb, 2009
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they look lovely
4 Sep, 2008