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Robin in yard

Robin in yard

Robin in back yard. it was about 6 feet away.

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Michael ~
that's a pretty robin.
Great photo.

5 Sep, 2008


I was just looking today at the difference between American and British robins. Actually looking on the label of one of those Audubon felt birds that make a supposedly genuine call when you squeeze them . I have a California Quail my daughter brought back from the US.I see it has a black head unlike robins here. Anyway its very attractive!

5 Sep, 2008


They are so much bigger than the European ones!

6 Sep, 2008


their all about the same size around here. this one just perked up a bit for the picture. LoL

6 Sep, 2008


I've just put this American robin on my favourite photos page.
Thanks for this one, Michael.

On my page, I already have a pretty photo by Pottygardener of a British robin.
But he was lonely,
so now he has the company of his distant cousin robin from the USA.

6 Sep, 2008


thank you terratoonie

7 Sep, 2008


Michael ~ I've found out lots about the American robin.

See how good you are for my education LOL

The American robin is a songbird of the thrush family.
It is unrelated to the European robin.

The running and stopping behaviour across lawns is very typical.
The robin does this not to listen, but to look, for worms and the like.

7 Sep, 2008


interesting. I knew they loved worms, but I thought they stopped all the time to listen, they look every direction but the ground.

7 Sep, 2008


Terratoonie - now I am totally disillusioned!

7 Sep, 2008

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