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I was SO tempted to buy this - I didn't and then regretted it afterwards !!


By Terry60

I was SO tempted to buy this - I didn't and then regretted it afterwards !!

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What was it going for?

19 Sep, 2008


awww terry, maybe next time yeah

19 Sep, 2008


Its gorgeous Terry, What is it used for, And me being nosy, How much!

19 Sep, 2008


Is it antique ? I like antiques.

19 Sep, 2008


Buon giorno everybody. It's a wooden chest with a lid that folds back like a huge breadbin and it was going for € 80 - new but made to look old - the thing is, I have a chair that folds back into a little stepladder (will take a photo of it tonight to show you) with exactly the same design - it's brilliant and they would have looked so good together. Never mind, next time I shall have to learn not be so dithery .....

22 Sep, 2008


Ciao Terry, come stai? Capisco. Come si dice *^%+ in italiano? Spiacente.

22 Sep, 2008


I've posted some photos of the chair I already have, that I reckon would've looked so good with this chest .......

Josh Lori, sei molto brava, il tuo italiano è eccellente !!!! Quando vieni a trovarci ??

23 Sep, 2008


LOL..Gratzia, Terry.... Come si dice 'nightschool' in italiano? Voglio imparare l'italiano...e una magnifica lingua. Who says you can't teach a old dog new tricks, aye?

23 Sep, 2008


Added to GoYpedia Storage Ideas...
what a lovely wooden chest..:o)

25 Jan, 2010

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