Time to Give the scarecrows a rest
By Skippy5869

23 Sep, 2008
September 22,2008 was the first day of fall for the Northern Hemisphere, yes, it's time to give the "scarecrows" their season of rest. (I don't know about your area but it was 92 degrees here yesterday) I don't even go outside in the afternoon. I do all my garden work in the early morning or late afternoon. Have a great fall, everyone.
Comments on this photo
Thats Fahrenheit I take it!
We get lucky if the temperature hits the mid seventies and it hovers between -6 overnight to 16 during the day in the winter.(CENTIGRADE)
Unfortunately we have had so much rain we rarely got any warm never mind hot days this summer so roll on March/April
Definitely an autumnal feel outside.
I definitely couldn't cope with temperatures like that!
Enjoy whilst you can!
23 Sep, 2008
thats a very smart scarecrow family. So it's still hot in Arizona is it! We had a lot of heat until just over a week ago when temps went down quickly, so we definitely have a feel of Autumn in the air. The nights are getting cold and everyone is lighting their stoves.
23 Sep, 2008
Our true Autumn type weather begins by the end of October. (if we are lucky) Then we quickly head into winter but rarely dip below 38 degrees fahrenheit but plants can get pretty frosty even at 38 degrees.
23 Sep, 2008
I'd hate 92 degrees. I think I'd die.
I'd rather have rain.
23 Sep, 2008
the thing is that we are not used to such weather and take it so badly if and when we get it !the acres of burnt flesh is not a pretty sight!
23 Sep, 2008
I like the Pet Punpkin lol :)
23 Sep, 2008
The thing is there is no moisutre along with the heat so it just drains you physically but you don't sweat unless you are out in it for a lengthy amount of time. I truly appreciate the rains when they come but I enjoy being able to be outside very comfortably for 9 months out of the year. I guess it is all in what you are accustomed to....Yeh, Jacque, that pumpkin completes the family unit....oh, yeh..and we use a lot of sun screen....
23 Sep, 2008
What a lovely family of scarecrows with pumpkin....did you make them? Very clever....
24 Sep, 2008
Yeh, I made them. They are life-sized cause I just used one piece suits, baby bunting, shoes, gloves and socks from the dollar store. Stuffed them with newspaper. Got the burlap and raffia from a craft store. The buttons for the eyes probable cost more than anything else. Probably cost me $15.00 per unit. Fun making it, though.
25 Sep, 2008
Cute photo..at first I thought it was some mummers!! lol..
26 Sep, 2008
Never seen a baby scarecrow before....I wondered how they were created ;-)
3 Oct, 2008
That is an adorable Scarecrow family!
7 Oct, 2008
Thanks for the comments everyone. It's been 3 years in the Arizona sun and this family has definitely suffered. If I took their picture now, it would scare you.
7 Oct, 2008
You did a great job there! Each year, our village has a scarecrow festival and lots of people make quite complicated scarecrows and put them in their front gardens. There's a prize for the best one. I think you would have won with yours!
7 Oct, 2008
Spritz ~
Have you taken photos of your village scarecrows?
Sometimes the charity dog shows in which I compete are held alongside scarecrow festivals. Some villagers create very imaginative scarecrow scenes.
Skippy's scarecrows would have fitted in well with those ! :o)
8 Oct, 2008
TT, Scarecrow scenes? Sounds interesting. You guys really have some great activities and fun things to do in your areas. People here seem to be afraid to do anything. H-m-m-m-m! Maybe I'm living in the wrong place.
8 Oct, 2008
Skippy ~
My friend took a few photos of the scarecrow scenes.
I'll try to borrow the pictures.
I've heard that in the USA, the insurance costs for running some events are prohibitive. All the British charity dog shows, if held in the States, would probably need much higher price insurance so would not be viable.
Would you agree?
8 Oct, 2008
Wow! You are probably right. We supposedly have a capitalistic, free enterprise system but when it gets right down to it, we are truly driven by insurance companies and their monopolistic partners in crime. This country's power is driven by the system laid out by the "good old boys" network put in place many years ago. It is slowly crumbling as evidenced by today's economy. (Power and greed will eventually cause the downfall of any nation) We are probably next on the list. Thanks for giving me something to think about.
8 Oct, 2008
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In England, It's cooler than 92 degrees.
Quite a lot cooler than 92 degrees.
Lovely photo. :o)
23 Sep, 2008