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Harry and the Tree Ferns

Harry and the Tree Ferns (Dicksonia antarctica (Soft tree fern))

This is my lad Harry walking past the Tree Ferns in our garden.

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I'm jealous. I only have one with a 2 foot trunk and one I bought yesterday which has no trunk yet but was only £3.50. Unfortunately by the time it develops a trunk the only plant I will know are the daisies. Still the grand-kids will no doubt sell it.

4 Oct, 2008


Wow, absolutely amazing, are they hard to look after?

4 Oct, 2008


These were pretty much the first things I planted when we moved in two years ago. They are quite sheltered and it is very moist. They get hosed as often as possible during the summer when it is hot and dry (not this year). During the winter I have placed some straw in the crowns and let nature take care. Obviously if it pours down with snow, then i'm out there with a broom to knock it off, like April 8th this year.

Marguerite, I remember seeing in a book some one that had made a fence out of tree fern logs (in your part of the world) and some of it had sprouted growth and looked fantastic.

4 Oct, 2008



4 Oct, 2008


They are amazing, lucky you.

14 Oct, 2008


superb.did you pay a lot for them. are there any roots below ground or is the trunk just put in the ground to stop from been blown over

8 May, 2009


They were planted about 10-12" deep. This was to secure them. Since then there fiborous roots have spread and on the surface near the ferns it is quite thick.
Tall one £100.00 but that was in 03, small ones both £40.00, one was bought in 03 the other was bought in Feb 06 from the Big plant nursery near Brighton, during their sale.

8 May, 2009


Treesandthings.Just read your 'about me'. Your garden looks beautiful, and you only moved there in 2006. We have been here for about 30 years (and I'm still only 21), but thanks to 3 conifers (which have now been felled) our garden is quite bare in places. I only became properly interested in the garden about 2 years ago and have a mammoth task on my hands! Seeing your picture has really inspired me. I only hope mine can look as good as yours without taking too...... long!

Are your tree ferns in the shade constantly, or do they get any sun? And do they grow slowly?

30 Mar, 2010


They are very slow growing, and they only get dappled sunlight early evening.

31 Mar, 2010


Smashing. Got mine in Oct 2009, inherited from a 'divorcing couple'.its almost 6ft tall and existing frongs are brown and sad looking. New ones are still 'lumps' in the crown. Just love it. yours look so healthy

21 Apr, 2010

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This photo is of "Tree Ferns" in Treesandthings's garden

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