Last Pears
By Jacque

7 Oct, 2008
Comments on this photo
I didn,t have one pear this year , no idea why :o(
7 Oct, 2008
AAAAAAAAAAaaawwww thanx Chris :) I think this icon is nicer with me smiling :)
7 Oct, 2008
my tree got taken over by bind weed. no pears this year....
7 Oct, 2008
Only thing i like about Bindweed Sandra is the flower :)It drives me mad :/
7 Oct, 2008
My first peartree has tiny fruit, but a few weeks a go it had a fully grown pear, i watched it grow every day, untill it disappeared!! I was Mortified hehe, Turns out the hub had eaten it, he said it was like a Turnip hahahha, he did the same with the Apples, trying them before they were ripe, You know that saying.. His eyes are bigger than his belly.I could strangle him sometimes :)))....Only Kidding...
7 Oct, 2008
HI jacque. I thought this was going to be another "quiz" pic. "How many green pears can I see?" - only 2! How many did you eat, heehee?
8 Oct, 2008
I dont get a chance 2 eat any of the Fruit my Apple/Pear Trees Produce as the Birds/Bees beat me 2 them David ! The Black Birds,Starlings&Odd Crow are there Mornings,Afternoons&Eveings filling their little Bellys with My Fruit lol :D
8 Oct, 2008
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Like your new photo of yourself Jacque. Lovely smile.
7 Oct, 2008