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Spathodea campanulata - African Tulip Tree

Spathodea campanulata - African Tulip Tree (Euphorbia contonifolia - Copper Leaf Tree)

African Tulip and Queen Palms taken at San Diego State University. This is one of many trees on this campus.

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Queen Palms are the second most commonly planted palm in San Diego...I still love them. Many of my Palm Society friends absolutely hate them. They think they are too common. Actually, the main boulevard which is a block from my house is lined for at least 4 or 5 miles on both sides with Queen Palms.

At San Diego State University I saw many, many seedling under the adult trees. Also, I saw Archontophoenix cunninghamiana growing like grass under the adult trees. I assume most get pulled out though.

13 Oct, 2008

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Pictures by Delonix1
147 of 6747

What else?

This photo is of species Euphorbia contonifolia - Copper Leaf Tree.

See who else has plants in genus Euphorbia.

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