my son's (15) first attempt at apple crumble
By Irish

13 Oct, 2008
Comments on this photo
MMMMMMMMMMMMmmmmmmmm looks good to Me Eileen :) Does it taste like Cake? :D
13 Oct, 2008
that looks yummy irish, you wont believe it but im eating apple crumble now!!! made it from the last of my apples off my tree...
13 Oct, 2008
Looks nice and tasty Eileen think he will give me some cooking lessons lol
13 Oct, 2008
lol he could give us both lessons janette
13 Oct, 2008
TT and Jacque , you will be glad to hear it tasted lovely and aye kinda like cake
13 Oct, 2008
lol good stuff Dee, brilliant that the apples came from your garden
13 Oct, 2008
What,you mean he never got his cooking skills from you lol
13 Oct, 2008
looks yummy, glad it tasted yummy too!
13 Oct, 2008
lol if he inherited my cooking skills janette the school would have burnt down
13 Oct, 2008
Well done him - Good on you Irish .Like my cooking skills ashes to ashes ...
13 Oct, 2008
Wow ... will he make cakes for our wait at the olympic bus stop ???
13 Oct, 2008
Judging by that bus stop Amy he d need to make a few .Think it could be a long wait.
13 Oct, 2008
How odd ~
You'll see I was having a similar idea over at the bus stop. :o)
13 Oct, 2008
Brilliant !
Another idea when he gets bored with apple is plum and pears with grated ginger served with double cream.Cook until going soft before putting the crumble on.Or use a tin of peaches with a lot of the liquid poured off.That's quick and gorgeous!.A man who can cook is worth his weight in gold!
13 Oct, 2008
Arlene that sounds lovely
13 Oct, 2008
My lot do like their desserts!
Used to make a wicked bread and butter pudding with 6 eggs and at least a pint of milk-it would be light like mousse with brown sugar and sultanas served hot with cream.
We use a lot of cream!
13 Oct, 2008
Begs the question Arlene - whats a man worth who cant cook?
13 Oct, 2008
ahhhhhhhh Arlene, stop please lol, wouldnt mind but i had a big dinner but reading abour your desserts im hungry again
13 Oct, 2008
worth teaching if possible! Most of the good Chefs are male.
my son in law recently tried something quite difficult for my daughter coming home from a work trip away,bought all the ingredients himself and used her Nigella cook book & bought the wine-she was thrilled to bits! Lots of Brownie points!
I d love to come home from work and find tea ready!
13 Oct, 2008
aww that was lovely of him
13 Oct, 2008
Mmm tried that once with a chicken dinner forgot that giblets were in a bag inside the chicken . Gained one brownie point for the thought.
13 Oct, 2008
lol Bonkers i think we have all done that, well i know i have
13 Oct, 2008
I like vanilla custard with mine please Son of Irish.
13 Oct, 2008
no problem Ams lol
13 Oct, 2008
Yes I'm sure I have done that!Well done though!
Worse is forgetting that circle of Polystyrene stuck to the bottom of some pizzas!
Lovely plasticky taste!
13 Oct, 2008
Poor Son of Irish. Every time he cooks anything - even beans on toast, he'll be wondering if its photo will go world-wide on GoY.
Will he remember us all when he's a famous international chef ? :o)
13 Oct, 2008
when i showed him all the lovely comments that were left here he took a bow lol.
most of what he makes at school never gets brought home TT but he knows i love apples and thats why i got to actually see on of his creations lol
13 Oct, 2008
as long as we can get a table!
We had a meal at the Hard Rock Cafe in Edinburgh on Wednesday last week=lovely cocktail called Bahama Mama!- Chicken salad with citrus sauce and served with loads of roasted pecan nuts.
We are thinking about producing a book with the best places to get nice food without breaking the bank!
Will it sell Eileen?
13 Oct, 2008
great idea Arlene, i know tons of places in Edinburgh that you can have fantastic meals really cheap.
13 Oct, 2008
Shouldn't bother about the bank anymore Arlene think they're already broken :o(
13 Oct, 2008
Too right Janey-
I would like to know who actually owns the Halifax now-unfortunately or fortunately? not lots of dosh held by them for me anymore!
13 Oct, 2008
change of subject Arlene, whats in a Bahama Mama cocktail, my daughter wants to know
13 Oct, 2008
i think its
Bacardi,Malibu,banana liquer, Pineapple, Orange juice and spash of Grenadine-very drinkable-had two in no time!
13 Oct, 2008
Also like Blue Hawaiian.Sex on the Beach and Alabama Slammer Some of these we have also had at TGI's.
13 Oct, 2008
sounds very very nice Arlene, you sure like your cocktails yeah lol
13 Oct, 2008
Usually only on birthdays when we all go out together-mostly it"s Beringer Zinfandel ! or a nice white!
Caz arranged a cocktail evening for her best friend who got married recently,The guy turned up and showed them how to make them and she has all the kit now!
Husband likes Powers Gold Label but finding it harder to get now.
13 Oct, 2008
Powers Gold is hard to get now? i didnt know that
13 Oct, 2008
Now for those who follow such things - topic has got round to drinks and I not said a word ! Cheers anyway. x
13 Oct, 2008
have you tried a bmw?
13 Oct, 2008
lol ya cant be blamed tonight Bonkers
13 Oct, 2008
Yes Lyd but was sick on the diesel version.Thank you Irish felt it important to point out that dont always need a drink to join in. It often helps though !
13 Oct, 2008
lol bb, its baileys, malibu and whiskey with ice mmmmmmmm shaken not stirred though ;-)
13 Oct, 2008
Oh Lyd that is truly gross - sweet baileys + coconut + more whisky you re not a cheap date are you ?
13 Oct, 2008
lol im a cheap date, suddy and im happy
13 Oct, 2008
That sounds more like it Irish - talking of crumble how did it go with those 3 new beginners?
13 Oct, 2008
no too bad Bonkers, one of them a wee bit of a boy racer but ill soon knock that outa him lol
13 Oct, 2008
Can just imagine a thick ear from Irish - come close a couple of times myself ! x
13 Oct, 2008
lol there will be no violence on my lessons
13 Oct, 2008
Give it time .Have I upset Lyd at the thought of his cocktail concoction ?
13 Oct, 2008
no bb just pouring one lol :-)
13 Oct, 2008
just the one Lyd?
13 Oct, 2008
hic,,, who said that
13 Oct, 2008
Good man . Remember I m in Yorkshire asking for a cocktail at a bar is akin to a letter in the local newspaper.Disgusted from York....
13 Oct, 2008
brave man Bonkers lol
13 Oct, 2008
Not that brave Irish ! x Wheres dear Janette tonight ? You scared her Lyd with the cost of a round.
13 Oct, 2008
shes away to her bed Bonkers, an im gona go to mine now.
leave you and Lyd to finish off the drinks.
13 Oct, 2008
Mmm me too getting late good luck with lessons, night Lyd.x
13 Oct, 2008
good night all :-)
13 Oct, 2008
hi Eileen
apparently it's something to do with the exchange rate of the euro to sterling. -They have decided to stop export to the UK and export to the Eurozone instead! Apparently not just Powers but other brands as well.
We will have to come to Dublin more often!
14 Oct, 2008
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Never mind what it looked like.
Did it taste good ? :o)
13 Oct, 2008