Mr Hash
By Jacque

20 Oct, 2008
My 10month old Lop Earred Bunny :)
Comments on this photo
Hes a Sweet Heart TT &belongs2me :)
20 Oct, 2008
I love those loppy ears , he,s so cute ..........
20 Oct, 2008
Hes losing his Fur@present Amy&makes me snezze loads :D lol
20 Oct, 2008
Lovely little man and he does look so cute in those colours
20 Oct, 2008
His fur is beautifully colored...has such a sweet face..
20 Oct, 2008
mr hash is lovely Jacque
20 Oct, 2008
:) He's cute!
20 Oct, 2008
he's so gorgeous!
20 Oct, 2008
Lovely photo . Old bun sends her regards to the young un .
20 Oct, 2008
Thanx4the Lovely Comments On Mr Hash every1 :)
20 Oct, 2008
What a lovely cuddly bunny!
21 Oct, 2008
So sweet :))
21 Oct, 2008
Adorable bunny, so cute! Love the ears!
21 Oct, 2008
I love him 2 bits cos hes so Cute&Cuddly like u all say:) His Ears feel like Velvet MMMMMMmmmmmm which makes them so strokeable :)
21 Oct, 2008
Oh Jacque-how fabulous!
Mr Hash is very aristocratic!
A lovely photo xx
21 Oct, 2008
Thanx Gentlemen X
21 Oct, 2008
Oh I just want to cuddle him!
21 Oct, 2008
He luvs cuddles Gillain especaily when hes got a face full of Yummi Carrots/Brocoli lol :)
21 Oct, 2008
sweet - lot's of cuddles from me
22 Oct, 2008
Another behaving one!! :o) lol
Very nice picture!
I wish Dora would be that quiet for a picture...!!!
23 Oct, 2008
Behaving1 ! Believe me Aleyna Mr Hash has his Naughty Moments? Hes escaped his cage&pen on different occassions & on 2 of them he was out front in the street across the road the little monster:/ My neighbour brought him home 4me 1 day i didnt even know he`d got out :O
23 Oct, 2008
LOL!!!! sounds like Dora, we didnt find her home one morning and around 10am the janitor called my son.. she was three floors down, at the door of the only other cat owner in this apatment build :)
23 Oct, 2008
Hey Mr Hash, you are number one pin up today ;-)
24 Oct, 2008
LOL iv given Mr Hash extra Carrots 2day for being so popular Ams :)
24 Oct, 2008
lovely bunny better looking than some of my neibours lol
24 Oct, 2008
lovely rabbit, but dont let lassie see it
25 Oct, 2008
I have one of your other pics of Mr.Hash on my fav's page... he's adorable...lop earred bunnies a just so cute! Clover says "Hi!"
25 Oct, 2008
Mr Hash says thanx 2 every1 for all the Lovely comments :)& Hi 2 clover ;)
26 Oct, 2008
what a cutie!
31 Oct, 2008
Jacque, I just found your photo. Mr. Hash is adorable. Give him a carrot from me. :o)
6 Dec, 2008
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He is very cute. :o)
20 Oct, 2008