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Beaucarnea Recurvata - Ponytail Palm Trunk

Beaucarnea Recurvata - Ponytail Palm Trunk (Beaucarnea Recurvata - Ponytail Palm Trunk)

This Ponytail Palm Trunk is located in front of the San Diego Zoo.
This trunk can actually get much larger than this on older trees.

Comments on this photo


That's amazing. !
Great photo.

22 Oct, 2008


The trunk reminds me of an elephant foot....I love this palm!

22 Oct, 2008


Elephant foot tree is another common name for this tree. It is however, not a palm.

23 Oct, 2008


Really? Why do they call it a ponytail palm then?.....LOL

23 Oct, 2008


It's just a common name. For example, these are not palms, but have the common name palm: Madagascar Palm (Pachypodium lamieri), Sago Palm (Cycas revoluta), Persian Palm (Alocasia calidora) and the list goes on...

24 Oct, 2008


k...makes sense...

24 Oct, 2008


I hope that's not what I'm growing as a house plant!

2 Nov, 2008


This plant is commonly sold and grown as a house plant. However, they will never get this large in a pot.

6 Nov, 2008


That's a relief!

6 Nov, 2008



Usually, in a pot this plant grows very slowly. It can be kept in the same pot for many years.

7 Nov, 2008


WOW!!! That is cooool. I know two friends on goY who have them as houseplants... interesting to see them growing as nature intended!

15 Jun, 2009



They seemed to have moved many of these trees to the
new Elephant Odyssey Exhibit at the San Diego Zoo. There's about 40 planted in this one area. It's other common name is elephant's foot.

15 Jun, 2009

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