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Making friends


By Gee19

Making friends

Little 'Un spent a long time peering at these paper weights! Did he think they were relatives?

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Little 'Un is very cute...easy to keep up with...

2 Nov, 2008


I reckon those two weights on the left are distant cousins. :o)

2 Nov, 2008


Now having a tortoise for a pet would be they have the run of the place?

2 Nov, 2008


Any tortoise living with Gee19 is totally in charge. Lol

~ This little one might get a shock in the springtime when his two much larger relatives wake up from hibernation
I wonder if then he'll still be Top Tortoise.:o)

2 Nov, 2008


It's all too true. Little 'Un is supposed to stay in the 'dining room' where his heat hut is but sometimes I think he needs company so I leave the door open and he can roam as he likes. As he is small he doesn't make much mess. It's a different thing when the two girls are indoors - very messy - the rug in the dining room is lifted and they not allowed in the living room! Don't mind if they roam in the hall (laminate floor) or in the kitchen (bare boards). Tonight Little 'Un is asleep under the sideboard in the living room. He is OK there overnight as this room is very warm and I can't reach him to get him out anway! It's not normally a problem but I twinged my back yesterday (putting Chloe's feed bowl down!!) and am finding it difficult to bend etc today. Hope it clears up by bowling night!

2 Nov, 2008


Oh ---I loved my bowling league years ago....there is no bowling alley here so I have not been in many years...have fun...and take care of that back.

2 Nov, 2008


How is Chloe ? Fifteen now ?
That's a good age.
Maybe you could put her dish on a little shelf.
My Sheltie Conker likes his meals on a specially-built little dish-size table which is about 3 inches above floor level.
Less far for me to bend down with the dish,
and Conker eats in a better position.
This might be better for Chloe and your back. :o)

2 Nov, 2008


Hi Catfinch - my bowling doesn't need an alley - it is short mat bowling (a bit like lawn bowls) played in our village hall. I have never tried 10 pin bowling although there is one in our nearest town.

Yes, Terratoonie, Chloe is was 15 back on 27 June. My daughter had a greyhound that had to have a raised dish for her food/drink. A good idea for Chloe and me - why didn't I think of that?

2 Nov, 2008


I have these little dish-size tables for both dogs. ( Home-made by a friend )
Just sort of little wooden tables with a rim around on 3 sides to stop the dish slipping off.

You can buy purpose built ones from pet stores, but these home-made ones suit us fine. Let me know if you need any more info. about them. They are painted so that they are easy-wipe clean. I hope this idea helps your back, and maybe even Chloe's old bones :o)

2 Nov, 2008

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