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Lily my Labrador

Lily my Labrador

At the request of Terratoonie here is a photo of 'My Lovely Lil' as I affectionately called her. This was taken about 3 months before I lost her to a brain/ear tumour. What a fantastic friend she was for 13 and a half years.

Comments on this photo


Very lovely Lil
What a wonderful Labrador.
13 years is a great age.
That chocolate colour coat is very pretty.
Thanks for this picture :o)

8 Nov, 2008


Darling Lily! She looks so sweet!

8 Nov, 2008


Chocolate Lab, as a former Post woman I can state officially they are the friendliest dogs ever. Lovely old Lil.

8 Nov, 2008


Lovely dog. My favourite dogs chocolate labs.

8 Nov, 2008


Great dog...gave you lots of good love for lots of great years...alas...they all have their time...

8 Nov, 2008


Thank you one and of the reasons I never posted Lily before was because I knew if I got comments on her I would get upset....and here I am...lump in the throat and getting weepy! Nearly 3 years have gone by and it still breaks my heart to have lost her. That dog was something else, and because of the things I got her involved in, a lot of people and other dogs learnt from her and whilst I love all my pets we had a special bond.

9 Nov, 2008


Let it all out PG, I felt the same way when I posted my old cat photos. My best friends always had 4 legs. Ams

10 Nov, 2008


:) Ams.

10 Nov, 2008


Well said!!! Marguerite.

30 Nov, 2008


Wohlibuli, I echo your thoughts.
Well said, Marguerite.
It is just over a week since I lost my Welsh Terrier, and I'm not finding it easy at all. Conker my Sheltie and Crocus my budgie are doing their best to brighten my days.
Pottygardener ~
I totally understand what you mean about the special bond with Lily.
She looks a lovely lady in the photo :o)

30 Nov, 2008


She was a lovely dog.

30 Nov, 2008


Marguerite ~ Our ultimate aim is to retire to Goa, so I will not get another dog as it would be impossible to take a dog there with us, because of the climate and the street dogs. Our domestic dogs would not cope. I do still have my other dog Benny, who has his own picture in my collection on here. He is 11 now and has enjoyed being an only dog, we have developed a different bond too. He learnt a lot from Lily, he was such a frightened dog when I rescued him but nothing phased her so she taught him loads. Once Benny has left us serious consideration will be given to retirement plans!

30 Nov, 2008 is still such early days for you after losing Bonsai and time does help to heal. Thank goodness for Conker and Crocus who still need your attention! The others always keep you going don't they? As Marguerite asked of me, would you consider another dog? Or are you finding as I did, that your remaining dog is forging a different relationship with you and enjoying being the only one now?

30 Nov, 2008


As you say, such early days yet.
Currently, I'm watching to see how Conker copes .....
and how I cope also.
Thanks for your thoughtful words. :o)

30 Nov, 2008


Clarice...thank you. My Lovely Lil.

30 Nov, 2008

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